
I have 4 applications within a node, all tested with Common Test.

My cover specification:

{level, details}.
{incl_dirs, ["apps/app1/ebin", "apps/app2/ebin", "apps/app3/ebin", "apps/app4/ebin"]}.

Test command:

ct_run -pa apps/*/ebin -pa deps/*/ebin -dir apps/*/test/ -logdir tests -cover cover.spec

The problem is that cover report (html) for each application contains all modules from other apps as well, which obviously have 0% coverage. Is there a way to configure it to exclude modules which do not belong to given app?

도움이 되었습니까?


Looking at the cover configuration documentation, it doesn't seem like you can exclude by application. However, you can use the {excl_dirs_r, Dirs}. option to exclude a directory if the dependencies are contained in a single tree. Alternatively, you can use {incl_mods, Mods}. to only cover the modules you are interested in. I've used this second approach, and it works for me. You can write a script to collect the names of all the modules in your own applications.

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