
Thanks for reading. Super frustrated (and maybe missing something fundamental, I've never been great with Nokogiri)

In short - I have a source:

<div class="schedule-page">
  <h3>Sunday, September 1, 2013</h3>
  <table class="views-table cols-1 schedule-table">
  <div class="game">Game 1</div>
  <div class="game">Game 2</div>

  <h3>Sunday, September 7, 2013</h3>
  <table class="views-table cols-1 schedule-table">
  <div class="game">Game 1</div>
  <div class="game">Game 2</div>
  <div class="game">Game 3</div>
  <!--and so forth.... -->

I am able to iterate through the source, grab each day and X number of games, and create the container for each day and fields for each game.

<% @schedule_array.each do |a_game| %> #

<div class="game-info">

    <div class="date"><%= @the_date %></div>

    <div class="single-game"> # this pulls info for each game, works fine.
        <div class="game-home"><%= a_game.css('.field-home-team').text %></div>
        <div class="game-score"><%= a_game.css('.field-score').text %></div>
        <div class="game-away"><%= a_game.css('.field-away-team').text %></div>
        <div class="game-time"><%= a_game.css('.field-game-date-start-time').text %</div>



But I really don't know how to retrieve the original date (h3) from the source and parse it in such a way so that I can use it as shown above.

I've tried a dozen variations of the example shown under Moving Nodes, here:


But nothing's working. Can anyone tell me the correct way to handle this? My method is gibberish and I'm not sure it's helpful to put it up.

도움이 되었습니까?


I assume @schedule_array is coming from something like @schedule_array = Nokogiri::HTML( html_contents).css('.schedule-table').

In which case, you need to traverse back to the parent and go back to it's previous sibling and get the value:

game_date = a_game.parent.previous_element.text

So in your particular case, that line can be:

<div class="date"><%= a_game.parent.previous_element.text %></div>
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