
What is the best strategy of using OAuth2 authentication in development and production environment?

For example, I want to create an open source web based GitHub client. I have registered my client as GitHub application. According to OAuth2 spec I have to specify a redirect url while registering an application. What redirect_url should I use, localhost-based or real production url? If I use localhost-based (for development), my production site obviously stop working (and vice versa).

Is it safe to store client_id and client_secret in public code? If no, what is the best strategy to store it (i.e. in some config file that is not added to source version control system)?

도움이 되었습니까?


For rails, I used a gem called figaro.

You define environment-specific variables (config/application.yml):

CALENDAR_SCOPE: https://www.googleapis.com/auth/calendar

  CLIENT_ID: 393sdfgsdfg.apps.googleusercontent.com
  CLIENT_SECRET: sdfgdfsgsg
  OAUTH2_REDIRECT: http://mydomain/users/auth/google_oauth2/callback

  CLIENT_ID: 24asdfsadfas.apps.googleusercontent.com
  CLIENT_SECRET: asdfsadf
  OAUTH2_REDIRECT: http://localhost:3000/users/auth/google_oauth2/callback

You then use these in your code:

client = Google::APIClient.new({:auto_refresh_token => false})
client.authorization.scope = ENV['CALENDAR_SCOPE']
client.authorization.client_id = ENV['CLIENT_ID']
client.authorization.client_secret = ENV['CLIENT_SECRET']
client.authorization.redirect_uri = ENV['OAUTH2_REDIRECT']

You do have to remember to set the environment when starting the server. eg:

thin -e production start


thin -e development start

You probably would want to gitignore the application.yml file.

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