
How to split these coordinates to degrees, minutes and seconds?

E0732931.00 and N30 2025.20

Is it 73 degrees, 29 mins and 31 seconds. To convert it to decimal degree, i have to


N30 2025.20 is 30 degs, 20 minutes, 25 seconds? What is the value after the decimal?

2nd i want to ask that is there any coordinate system which uses 100 seconds in a minute, i.e.

decimal degrees = 73+39/60+31/(60*100) ???
도움이 되었습니까?


Your asumption are correct. Further:

What is the value after the decimal?

the fraction of seconds: so 25.20 seconds

is there any coordinate system which uses 100 seconds in a minute, i.e.

No! There are other systems like DM which uses Degrees and decimal minutes: e.g 23 deg 17.1234 minutes

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