
So, I used to play with web development many years ago, and I'm a little rusty, but not THAT rusty!

I just made a full fledge video game page the other day using PHP variables to load different games into different size iframes. With that said, why on Earth can I not get a simple PHP hit counter to work? I have downloaded script after script after script, CHMOD'ed the txt file to 777, the whole 9. Does Chrome not support hit counters or something? It seems even the sites I visit that offer hit counters through them don't work on their demo pages!! What is the deal? I remember years ago, I copied about 10 very basic lines of code, saved it as a PHP file, uploaded it along with a blank txt file to a server, and bam, worked perfectly everytime. What has changed?

Here's the code I'm using. By the way. I tried adding this into my index.html, I also tried using it as a separate php file and calling on it with INCLUDE, everything. Nothing seems to work.


$open = fopen(“hits.txt”, “r+”);
$value = fgets($open);
$close = fclose($open);


$open = fopen(“hits.txt”, “w+”);
fwrite($open, $value); // variable is not restated, bug fixed.
$close = fclose($open);


and then where I want the results to be displayed, I have,

<?php echo $value; ?>

Any ideas?

도움이 되었습니까?


You can use the following as a basic hit counter:

$counter = file_get_contents('./file') + 1;
file_put_contents('./file', $counter);

You may want to implement some way of checking that it's not just one user refreshing the page... Something simple like:

    $counter = file_get_contents('./file') + 1;
    file_put_contents('./file', $counter);

$_SESSION['visited'] = true;

Will check if the user has already visited the site in the same session and not increment the value if they have.

다른 팁

You can create an ajax file in PHP and call ajax in a time interval and display hit counter to page.

For this first of all create an ajax file: ajax_user_count.php

$log_file_name = 'traffic_count.log';
$count = file_get_contents($log_file_name, true);
if(empty($count)){$count = 0;}  
    $action = $_POST['action'];
    if($action == 'enter'){
            $count += 1;
            if($count == 0) { $count = 1; }
            $_SESSION['user_count'] = $count;
            $message = $count; 
            file_put_contents($log_file_name, $message);        
    } else if($action == 'leave'){
        $count -= 1;
        $_SESSION['user_count'] = $count;
        $message = $count; 
        file_put_contents($log_file_name, $message);

echo $count;

Then call the ajax file by this

    }, 1000);
    $(window).bind("beforeunload", function() {
                type: "POST",
                async: false,
                cache: false,
                url: "ajax_user_count.php",
                data: {'action' : 'leave'},
                success: function(result) { },
                error: function(data) { location.reload(); 


function get_enter_web_traffic(){
    var data = {'action' : 'enter'};    
        $('#count_user').html(response); // website hit count

I am learning PHP currently. Came up with this easy to implement hit counter. Check it out


$filename = "count.txt";// the text file to store count
// Open the file foe reading current count
$fp = fopen($filename, 'r');

//Get exiting count
$count = fread($fp, filesize($filename));

//close file

//Add 1 to the existing count
$count = $count +1;

//Display the number of hits
echo "<p>Total amount of Hits:" . $count. "</p>";

//Reopen to modify content
$fp = fopen($filename, 'w');

//write the new count to file
fwrite($fp, $count);

//close file


Hope this piece of code comes in handy for someone.

$count = filesize("count.txt"); 

It appends one byte to a file and read the file size as the counter. it is the fastest and error free logic i found with 0.1 ms

This counts initial hits (not refreshes) and saves to a json file by date:


$pageWasRefreshed = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL'] === 'max-age=0';
if (!$pageWasRefreshed) { #ignore page refresh
    $today = date("Y/m/d");
    $filename = 'traffic.json';
    $traffic = json_decode(file_get_contents($filename), true);
    $traffic[$today] += 1;
    file_put_contents($filename, json_encode($traffic));    


The refresh checker is from PHP: Detect Page Refresh

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