
I have an application written in java that needs to find all the reachable hosts on the network.

I use InetAddress.isReachable() to do this with a timeout of 2000 milliseconds.

I look up the current local machine's IP address and based on that I attempt to reach the other IP addresses that end 1 - 255 missing out the local machines IP address.

It all works fine single threaded, just takes a long time as most of the IP addresses are not reachable as they do not exist so use up the 2 second timeout.

To speed things up (and try out concurrency in action :: Brian Goetz) i tried using Future and Callable etc.

This all went fine as well.

However i fancied using ExecutorCompletionService to give my users a more responsive application, so they could see results as they came available using

Future<Reach> reachedFuture = completionService.take();

Running this on a singleprocessor machine with the following config causes only 1 of the four reachable hosts to be identified:

private static final int poolSize = 10;
private static final int maxPoolSize = 10;
private static final long keepAliveTime = 120;

private static final LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable> queue
        = new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>(20);

private static final ExecutorService executorService
        = new ThreadPoolExecutor(poolSize, maxPoolSize, keepAliveTime, TimeUnit.SECONDS, queue);

private static final CompletionService<Reach> completionService
        = new ExecutorCompletionService<Reach>(executorService);

Changing it to this on a quad core machine also made it fail to detect all the reachable hosts:

private static final int poolSize
        = Math.max(2,Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors());

private static final int maxPoolSize
        = Math.max(2,Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors());

By changing the InetAddress.isReachable() timeout to 10 seconds made the last config work ok.

Also by changing the config as follows on the quad core machine also made it work with a 2 second timeout:

private static final int poolSize = 2;
private static final int maxPoolSize = 2;

Am I missing something very obvious why this happens?

What stops InetAddress.isReachable(2000) from detecting all the reachable hosts on my network?

Why does attempting to run multiple InetAddress.isReachable() calls fail?

Foi útil?


So I wrote a little test script on my Mac and I can't get it to fail -- regardless of the size of the pool. I did change the LinkedBlockingQueue to be unlimited otherwise I couldn't submit all of the jobs. Also, after a while the isReachable() method was throwing a ConnectException so I had to handle that specifically. Is this the problem with your code @user423199?

Here's the code:

I'm wondering what OS you are running this on? Certain IP stacks may not like multiple threads doing ICMP packets within the same process. I would have thought that all modern operating systems would be smart about that but this may be a potential issue. It also may be some bug between the Java JRE and the OS stack.

Hope this helps.

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