
How can I access a Java method named next() when the same class has a getNext() method?

JPype has the feature to give you access to bean properties (get-Methods without a parameter) using just the property name. So if you have a class with a method getNext() you can access that bean property from within python using which is nice in 99,9% of the cases. But how can I access the If I call I'll get an exception saying that the return type of the bean property is not callable.

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You'll probably have to resort to using reflection on the underlying java class:

# iterate through all methods
for method in instance.__javaclass__.getMethods():
    # find the method matching the correct signature
    if == u'next' and len(method.parameterTypes) == 0:
        # create a function that invokes the method on the given object
        # without additional arguments
        next_instance = lambda o: method.invoke(o, [])
    raise Exception('method was not found')

nxt = next_instance(instance)
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