
A questão é bastante auto-explicativo. Eu pesquisei muitos sites, muitos métodos, tentou várias codificações, mas não posso fazê-lo coincidir.

Eu estou tentando fazer a seqüência de jogo "asdasd". ( asdasd )

Foi útil?


Tente este

using System.Security.Cryptography

public static string HashPassword(string unhashedPassword)
    return BitConverter.ToString(new SHA512CryptoServiceProvider().ComputeHash(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(unhashedPassword))).Replace("-", String.Empty).ToUpper();

Outras dicas

BitConverter works just fine ...

var testVal = "asdasd";
var enc = new ASCIIEncoding();
var bytes = enc.GetBytes( testVal );

var sha = new SHA512Managed();
var result = sha.ComputeHash( bytes );

var resStr = BitConverter.ToString( result );
var nodash = resStr.Replace( "-", "" );


(Fixed for 512-bit hash, sorry :)

I just spent several hours trying to get a .NET hash function to match PHP's Crypt function. Not fun.

There are multiple challenges here, since the PHP implementation of Crypt returns a base64 encoded string, and doesn't do multiple hashing iterations (e.g. 5000 is default for Crypt.) I was not able to get similar outputs from .NET using several libraries, until I found CryptSharp. It accepts a salt similar to PHP's (or the original C) function (e.g. "$6$round=5000$mysalt"). Note that there is no trailing $, and that if you don't provide a salt it will autogenerate a random one.

You can find CryptSharp here:

Good background reading: -

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