
I am trying to write a unittest to check the output of an engineering analysis. I have theoretical values which i want to check against the analysis to a certain number of significant figures. so, for example:

Ixx_ther = 0.000123
Iyy_ther = 0.0123

Ixx, Iyy = getI(*args, **kwargs)

self.assertAlmostEqual(Ixx_ther, Ixx, 6)
self.assertAlmostEqual(Iyy_ther, Iyy, 4)

In this case, i need to know the number i am trying to check as setting the tolerance to 6 in both cases would make the test too stringent and setting it to 4 would be too lax. What I need is a test for equality to the same number of significant figures. What would be ideal is to say:

Ixx_ther = 1.23E-4
Iyy_ther = 1.23E-2

Ixx, Iyy = getI(*args, **kwargs)

self.assertAlmostEqual(Ixx_ther, Ixx, 2)
self.assertAlmostEqual(Iyy_ther, Iyy, 2)

and have the assert statement drop exponent and check only the Significand for equality. I imagine this has been done before, but I have not been able to find a built-in function to assert equality in this manner. Has anyone had this problem before,


1) Has anyone had this problem before, and know of a general guide of unittests for engineering analysis

2) Is there a built-in solution. to this problem

3) Has someone already programmed a custom assert statement which works in this manner?

Foi útil?


Re: is there a built-in solution for this: If you can have numpy as a dependency, have a look at numpy.testing.

Here's an example ( verbatim from assert_allclose docs):

>>> x = [1e-5, 1e-3, 1e-1]
>>> y = np.arccos(np.cos(x))
>>> assert_allclose(x, y, rtol=1e-5, atol=0)

EDIT: For completeness, here's the link to the source code: assert_allclose forwards the real work to np.allclose. Which is nearly identical to @Mark Ransom's answer (plus handling of array arguments and infinities).

Outras dicas

This is a reworking of an answer I left on another question.

def AlmostEqual(a, b, digits):
    epsilon = 10 ** -digits
    return abs(a/b - 1) < epsilon

This needs a little more work if b can be zero.

Perhaps not answering the full scope of your question, but this is how I would write such a function:

def assertAlmostEqual(arg1,arg2,tolerance=2):
    str_formatter = '{0:.' + str(tolerance) + 'e}'
    lhs = str_formatter.format(arg1).split('e')[0]
    rhs = str_formatter.format(arg2).split('e')[0]
    assert lhs == rhs

Python's string formatting mini-language can be leveraged to format your floats into a given manner. So what we can do is force them to be formatted in exponent notation such that, for i.e. inputs 0.123 and 0.000123 we have:

str_formatter.format(0.123) == '1.23e-01'
str_formatter.format(0.000123) == '1.23e-04'

And all that remains is to chop off the exponent and assert equality.




AssertionError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
/home/xxx/<ipython-input-83-02fbd71b2e87> in <module>()
----> 1 assertAlmostEqual(0.123,0.0001234,tolerance=3)

/home/xxx/<ipython-input-74-ae32ed74769d> in assertAlmostEqual(arg1, arg2, tolerance)
      3     lhs = str_formatter.format(arg1).split('e')[0]
      4     rhs = str_formatter.format(arg2).split('e')[0]
----> 5     assert lhs == rhs


There might be an off-by-one issue if you don't like the way I defined tolerance. Gets the idea across though.

Thanks roippi for the great idea, I modified your code somewhat:

def assertAlmostEqualSigFig(self, arg1,arg2,tolerance=2):
    if tolerance > 1: 
        tolerance -= 1

    str_formatter = '{0:.' + str(tolerance) + 'e}'
    significand_1 = float(str_formatter.format(arg1).split('e')[0])
    significand_2 = float(str_formatter.format(arg2).split('e')[0])

    exponent_1 = int(str_formatter.format(arg1).split('e')[1])
    exponent_2 = int(str_formatter.format(arg2).split('e')[1])

    self.assertEqual(significand_1, significand_2)
    self.assertEqual(exponent_1, exponent_2)


I changed a few things

1) I check the exponent as well as the significand (That's a top drawer word isn't it)

2) I convert the significand and exponent to float / int respectively. This may not be necessary but i am more comfortable checking the equality of numbers as numbers rather than strings.

3) Jim Lewis noted that i need to adjust my tolerance by one since the proper format string {0:.3e} of 0.0123 is 1.230E-2 not 0.123E-1. i.e. if you want three significant figures you only want two digits after the decimal as the digit before the decimal is also significant.

Hers is an example of implementation

class testSigFigs(Parent_test_class):

    def test_unequal_same_exp(self):
        self.assertAlmostEqualSigFig(0.123, 0.321, 3)

    def test_unequal_diff_exp(self):
        self.assertAlmostEqualSigFig(0.123, 0.0321, 3)

    def test_equal_diff_exp(self):
        self.assertAlmostEqualSigFig(0.0123, 0.123, 3)

    def test_equal_same_exp(self):
        self.assertAlmostEqualSigFig(0.123, 0.123, 3)

    def test_equal_within_tolerance(self):
        self.assertAlmostEqualSigFig(0.123, 0.124, 2)

And the output:

test_equal_diff_exp (__main__.testSigFigs) ... expected failure
test_equal_same_exp (__main__.testSigFigs) ... ok
test_equal_within_tolerance (__main__.testSigFigs) ... ok
test_unequal_diff_exp (__main__.testSigFigs) ... expected failure
test_unequal_same_exp (__main__.testSigFigs) ... expected failure

Ran 5 tests in 0.081s

OK (expected failures=3)

Thank you both for your feedback.

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