
So I use VBScript frequently, and I have several scripts that call the same function. At the moment, each script has that function just copied in there at the bottom, but it's a pain when I have to make an updated, because I have to update several files (and I usually forget about some). Is there a way where I can:
1. Have "TestScript1" call "TestScript2"
2. Have "TestScirpt2" take an argument from "TestScript1" (i.e. a specific date variable)
3. Have "TestScript2" run its functions, and pass 3 different arguments back to "TestScript1"

And a bonus would be if I could actually somehow do all of that and have it work for multiple scripts interacting with "TestScript2".

Foi útil?


I do this with objShell.Exec in some of my scripts. Essentially I have a script named after the function I want to do and I call it from another script.

In the "parent script" I have a function called runExternal:

Function runExternal(strScript,strComputer)
'strScript is the name of the script/function I'm calling
Set objExec = objShell.Exec("cmd.exe /c cscript.exe """ & strPath & strScript & ".vbs"" " & strComputer)
intDelay = Timer+5
intTimer = Timer 
While objExec.Status = 0 And intTimer <= intDelay
    intTimer = Timer 

If objExec.Status = 1 Then 
    strReturn = objExec.StdErr.ReadAll
    writeLog strScript & " returned " & strReturn
    objExec.Terminate 'terminate script if it times out
    writeLog strScript & " timed/errored out and was terminated."
End If
End function 

Then in each "child" script, I accept the argument I passed to it by using:
strComputer = WScript.Arguments(0)
then to output I write this way:
WScript.StdErr.Write "whatever the output is"

Outras dicas

Have you considered using an HTA? This is an example how you can use HTA's if you want to load and combine multiple script files:

<title>Demo IT</title>


<SCRIPT Language="VBScript" src="testscript2.vbs"/>
<SCRIPT Language="VBScript">

Sub TakeOff
     text = "1 2 3"
     argArray = GiveMeThree(text)
     msgbox argArray(0)
     msgbox argArray(1)
     msgbox argArray(2)
End Sub



<h1>In the body</h1>
<input type="button" value="Click me!" onclick="TakeOff">


In testscript2.vbs

Public Function GiveMeThree(x)
    GiveMeThree = split(x, " ")
End Function

I think the best way to do this is to create a Windows Script Component. This will expose your script as a fully baked COM object that you can call from anywhere - VBScript or any other programming language that supports COM.

Here's some example code. This is in a file with a .wcs extension.

<?XML version="1.0"?>
<?component error="false" debug="false"?>
<component id="SVInfo">
        description="Description of your COM object"
        <!-- generate your own GUID to use in the line above -->
        <method name="MyMethod"/>
    <script language="VBScript">
        Function MyMethod(param1, param2)
            MyMethod = param1 + param2
        End Function

Register this file to COM with the following command.

regsvr32 scrobj.dll /n /i:file://J:\scripts\scriptfunctions.wcs

Then you can call the methods in VBScript using the ProgID that you defined in the script component.

Dim script_functions
Set script_functions = CreateObject("Tmdean.ScriptFunctions")

WScript.Echo script_functions.MyMethod(2, 2)
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