
I'm working on a windows phone application and i have come across a very strange behaviour while scrolling in a LongListSelector. I have two TextBlocks and one CheckBox in its item template. Xaml code is shown below.

    <DataTemplate x:Key="GroupItem">
        <Border Background="{StaticResource PhoneAccentBrush}" Margin="{StaticResource PhoneTouchTargetOverhang}" Padding="{StaticResource PhoneTouchTargetOverhang}">
            <TextBlock Text="{Binding Key}" />

    <DataTemplate x:Key="ItemTmpl">
        <Grid x:Name="gridListPanel">
                <RowDefinition Height="90"/>
                <RowDefinition Height="*"/>
                <ColumnDefinition Width="900"/>

                <TextBlock Padding="50,5,0,0" Width="Auto" Text="{Binding DayName}" Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="0" FontSize="25" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" FontWeight="Bold" Opacity="{Binding Path=OpacityValue, Converter={StaticResource OpacityConvertor}}"/>
                <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
                    <TextBlock Padding="50,5,0,0" Width="Auto" Text="{Binding PushUps}" Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="0" FontSize="17" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" FontWeight="Normal" Foreground="{Binding TextColor}" Opacity="{Binding Path=OpacityValue, Converter={StaticResource OpacityConvertor}}"/>
                    <TextBlock Padding="30,5,0,0" Text="{Binding CompletedDate}" Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="0" FontSize="15" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Center" FontWeight="Normal"  Opacity="0.5"/>

            <CheckBox x:Name="chkWeek" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Top" Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="1"  IsChecked="{Binding IsCompleted}" Unchecked="chkWeek_Unchecked" Tap="chkWeek_Tap"/>


<toolkit:LongListSelector  x:Name="LongList"
                                   GroupHeaderTemplate="{StaticResource GroupHeader}"
                                   GroupItemTemplate="{StaticResource GroupItem}"
                                   ItemTemplate="{StaticResource ItemTmpl}" SelectionChanged="LongList_SelectionChanged" Grid.ColumnSpan="2"/>

I'm binding longlist as given:

mainItem = new List<Item>();
int counter = 19;

for (int i = 1; i <= 9; i++)
     switch (i)
         case 1:
              mainItem.Add(new Item() { WeekName = "Week " + i.ToString(), DayName = "Week " + i.ToString() + ", Day 1", PushUps = counter + " Pushups to perform", TextColor = "White", ImageUri = new Uri("/Images/PushUpsImages/Images/w1d1.png", UriKind.Relative), OpacityValue = "0.5" });
              counter += 3;
              mainItem.Add(new Item() { WeekName = "Week " + i.ToString(), DayName = "Week " + i.ToString() + ", Day 2", PushUps = counter + " Pushups to perform", TextColor = "White", ImageUri = new Uri("/Images/PushUpsImages/Images/w1d2.png", UriKind.Relative), OpacityValue = "0.5" });
              counter += 5;
              mainItem.Add(new Item() { WeekName = "Week " + i.ToString(), DayName = "Week " + i.ToString() + ", Day 3", PushUps = counter + " Pushups to perform", TextColor = "White", ImageUri = new Uri("/Images/PushUpsImages/Images/w1d3.png", UriKind.Relative), OpacityValue = "0.5" });
              counter += 5;

var selected = from c in mainItem group c by c.WeekName into n select new GroupingLayer<string, Item>(n);
LongList.ItemsSource = selected;

When there is no checked item in LongListSelector means CheckBox is not checked. Scrolling work fine. But when any of item is checked while Scrolling after a little scroll it shows exception and at that time it calls this part of code again which is in page constructor.

var selected = from c in mainItem group c by c.WeekName into n select new GroupingLayer<string, Item>(n);
LongList.ItemsSource = selected;

At this point selected retun null and throws exception. Why this happening on scrolling means why it calls this part of code again on scrolling?

Foi útil?


Try this, Set the following property where you define your LongListSelector in xaml file.


I m not sure about this but i have tried it with a list box.

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