
We have a samba share from where I'd like to copy folders with an applescript. This is what I already have (the mounting works):

mount volume "smb://$"
delay 3

set sourcefolder to ("smb://$/e_18_data11$/folder1/folder2" as POSIX file)
set localfolder to ("/Users/username/Dropbox/Test" as POSIX file)

tell application "Finder" to duplicate sourcefolder to localfolder

This gives me still this error:

the routine can not edit objects of this class." number -10010

I tried and combined many solutions already on SO, e.g. this solution

– OS X 10.9

Foi útil?


It's probably the sourcefolder specification that is wrong. I think you can just use the volume name instead of "smb://".

set sourcefolder to ("/Volumes/$/e_18_data11$/folder1/folder2" as POSIX file)

(if the mounted volume is named "")

Tip: drag the actual sourcefolder from Finder into your AppleScript. It should paste the path into the script. Use that path for sourcefolder.


The Error your getting is:

Mac OS error -10010 (telBadHTypeErr): bad hook type specified

I tested it (with two local folders) to see if the script would work. It did work and duplicated the folder.

You can (or should anyway) wrap critical code into a try block, like this:


        duplicate sourcefolder to localfolder

    on error the error_message number the error_number
        display dialog "Error: " & the error_number & ". " & the error_message buttons {"OK"} default button 1
    end try

This way you can check and react to errors.


May be you can check for existence like this:

tell application "Finder"
    set aBoolean1 to get (exists sourcefolder)
    set aBoolean2 to get (exists localfolder)
end tell

log aBoolean1
log aBoolean2

Both bool's must be YES

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