
I am attempting to extend the Crawler portion of the Enterprise PageCache module, however, I am getting the following error, I believe it has to do with the line $this->_init('vmr_crawler/crawler'); found in my model, I say this because if I switch out vmr_crawler, with enterprise_pagecache, it works... Here is the error

Fatal error: Call to a member function getUrlsPaths() on a non-object in /jlr/sites/mage/app/code/local/VMR/Crawler/Model/Crawler.php on line 37

Any ideas, snippets, comments are greatly appreciated! Thank you so much, I am posting all of my code below.

My Module Config


My Module Config Code

<?xml version="1.0"?>

My Config


My Config Code

<?xml version="1.0"?>

My Model


My Model Code


class VMR_Crawler_Model_Crawler extends Enterprise_PageCache_Model_Crawler
protected function _construct()

public function crawl()
    if (!Mage::app()->useCache('full_page')) {
        return $this;
    $storesInfo  = $this->getStoresInfo();
    $adapter     = new Varien_Http_Adapter_Curl();

    foreach ($storesInfo as $info) {
        $options = array(CURLOPT_USERAGENT => self::USER_AGENT);
        $storeId = $info['store_id'];
        $this->_visitedUrls = array();

        if (!Mage::app()->getStore($storeId)->getConfig(self::XML_PATH_CRAWLER_ENABLED)) {

        $threads = (int)Mage::app()->getStore($storeId)->getConfig(self::XML_PATH_CRAWLER_THREADS);
        if (!$threads) {
            $threads = 1;
        if (!empty($info['cookie'])) {
            $options[CURLOPT_COOKIE] = $info['cookie'];
        $urls       = array();
        $baseUrl    = $info['base_url'];
        $urlsCount  = $totalCount = 0;
        $urlsPaths  = $this->_getResource()->getUrlsPaths($storeId);
        foreach ($urlsPaths as $urlPath) {
            $url = $baseUrl . $urlPath;
            $urlHash = md5($url);
            if (isset($this->_visitedUrls[$urlHash])) {
            $urls[] = $url;
            $this->_visitedUrls[$urlHash] = true;
            if ($urlsCount == $threads) {
                $adapter->multiRequest($urls, $options);
                $urlsCount = 0;
                $urls = array();
        if (!empty($urls)) {
            $adapter->multiRequest($urls, $options);
    return $this;

My Resource Model


My Resource Model Code


class VMR_Crawler_Model_Resource_Crawler extends Enterprise_PageCache_Model_Resource_Crawler
     * Retrieve URLs paths that must be visited by crawler
     * @param  $storeId
     * @return array
    public function getUrlsPaths($storeId)
        $bWorked = false;
        $collection = array();
        for($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) 
            echo "hi";
            try {
                $adapter = $this->_getReadAdapter();
                $select = $adapter->select()
                    ->from($this->getTable('core/url_rewrite'), array('request_path'))
                    ->where('store_id=?', $storeId)
                $collection = $adapter->fetchCol($select);
                $bWorked = true;
            catch(Exception $ex)


            if($bWorked == true)

        return $collection;

My Resource Model Mysql4 Class


My Resource Model Mysql4 Class Code


class VMR_Crawler_Model_Mysql4_Crawler extends Enterprise_PageCache_Model_Resource_Crawler


My Shell Class For Testing


My Shell Class For Testing Code

 * Full Page Cache Warming Shell Script
 * @author Jeffrey L. Roberts

require_once 'abstract.php';

class Mage_Shell_Crawler extends Mage_Shell_Abstract
     * Run script
    public function run()
        // echo "Starting Crawler";

        $crawler = new VMR_Crawler_Model_Crawler();

        // echo "Crawler finished";

     * Retrieve Usage Help Message
    public function usageHelp()
        return <<<USAGE
Usage:  php -f crawler.php 


$shell = new Mage_Shell_Crawler();

To execute the shell

cd shell
php -f crawler.php
Foi útil?


Shot in the dark here, as your post is a little dense and I'm not sure I've seen anyone extend both a model resource and override the _construct method in both, but the line 37 that PHP is complaining about looks to be

$urlsPaths  = $this->_getResource()->getUrlsPaths($storeId);

which is backed up by your error message

Fatal error: Call to a member function getUrlsPaths() on a non-object in /jlr/sites/mage/app/code/local/VMR/Crawler/Model/Crawler.php on line 37

So Magento is trying to instantiate your model's resource, but can't. So, if you're looking for a place to start, try tracing the code path of

$o = Mage::getModelResource('vmr_crawler/crawler');

and determine why its returning false.

A few guesses on that. First, you've included a


but you don't have any vmr_crawler_mysql4 node in your XML file. Why is this here?

Secondly, your resource model for the crawler appears to be initializing with a core/url_rewrite?

protected function _construct()
    $this->_init('core/url_rewrite', 'url_rewrite_id');

I'm not sure what that's supposed to do, but it looks off (then again, I'm not exactly clear on what you're trying to do here, and I don't have any Enterprise versions available at the moment)

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