
I have a wpf 4.5 application where I am trying to trouble shoot why my controls are slow, or have lag with the user input. If a user tabs between control, like textboxes, or changes the text of a textbox there is a serious lag between the user typing and the text appearing in the text box.

For example: A textbox declaration

<TextBox x:Name="chrTitle" 
         Style="{StaticResource FTC_ValidateTextBox}" 
         Grid.Column="1" Grid.ColumnSpan="2" Grid.Row="1"
         Text="{Binding chrTitle, Mode=TwoWay, ValidatesOnDataErrors=True, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" />

I thought it might be the validation so: I have tried removing the ValidatesOnDataErrors and changing the UpdateSourceTrigger to lostfocus, property changed and explicit. With no improvement.

I thought it might be a style or binding related issue so: I also set the style to x:Null and I removed the binding al together, both also gave no improvement.

This affects other controls like drop downs.


Can someone help me trouble shoot what in my application is causing input lag with controls like textboxes and dropdowns.

Foi útil?


In my experience with slow WPF applications, common causes can be:

  1. broken bindings,

  2. unstopped storyboards

  3. inefficient command CanExecute functions

This would be the first place to start

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