
I'm trying to type some text inside an EditText:

    public void testSearch() {

I see the EditText is getting focus, but nothing happens. No text is typed.
I tried this on a phone and an emulator - same result.

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Looks like I figured out the issue. It had to do with hardware vs software keyboard.

For Emulators:

Go to Settings -> Language & Input -> switch the Default Input to Sample Soft Keyboard.

For Phones:

Install a software keyboard from the Play store and switch to it. It appears that the native keyboards of some phones do not work.

It works now.

Outras dicas

Had the same issue using Espresso 2. As a workaround I'm using replaceText instead of typeText.

public void testSearch() {
      onView(withId(, replaceText("Engineer"));

If the EditText does not has the focus yet, you should click on it first. If this solves your problem, then there is no bug.


You can bypass the problem by calling setText on the EditText.

   final EditText titleInput = (EditText) activity.findViewById(;
   getInstrumentation().runOnMainSync(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {

Same issue resolved with the following:

editText.perform(scrollTo(), click(), clearText(), typeText(myInput), closeSoftKeyboard())

Interestingly, I only ever had a problem when my machine was working hard.

You can include it with in the code like this,

     .perform(click(), replaceText("Engineer"), closeSoftKeyboard());

I fixed this issue by setting layout_height="wrap_content" on the View I wanted to click(). Maybe it can help someone here.

If you're using Genymotion, you may need to switch the default keyboard in Genymotion Configuration (it's an app on the emulator).

  1. Go to Apps -> Genymotion Configuration -> Keyboard -> Virtual keyboard (click "Yes" when you're prompted to reboot)

NOTE: These changes do not persist after you close the emulator. You will need to set this every time you start the emulator.

for me I was annotated my test method with @UiThreadTest. I removed that and it solved.

Adding closeSoftKeyboard() after typeText() worked for me.


            .perform(typeText(STRING_TO_BE_TYPED), closeSoftKeyboard());

This is how it is documented in the Android docs.

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