
I want to add a webpart to a great number of existing pages. Is there any PowerShell command to add a webpart to a webpart page?

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There's no PowerShell Command, but you can use the AddWebPart method of the SPWebPartManager class to add the WebPart to a WebPartPage:

You can get a SPWebPartManager object by calling WebPartManager.GetCurrentWebPartManager and providing it your WebPartPage:

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Theres nothing like this OOB, but you have pretty much the same options in PowerShell as in say a console application in C#.
So theres the option of coding your own cmdlet that does this for you.
On NBSP i found this script that should get you going.

Here are some sample powershell scripts for adding webparts to sites:

A nice, simple, clean code for adding a CEWP:

This one adds a customized web-part:

And this adds a page-viewer webpart - Mr. Hahner made this blogpost especially for me!

Here is a simple script to add a webpart to a page using PowerShell which is tested and working fine.

Please note that to add a webpart to a page export webpart to your local drive .webpart/.dwp file will be in xml format.


asnp "*sh*"

$web=Get-SPweb -Identity ""

[xml]$webpartxml= Get-Content -Path "C:\Manju\WPRequest.xml"

$SR = New-Object System.IO.StringReader($webpartxml.OuterXml)

$XTR = New-Object System.Xml.XmlTextReader($SR)


$WebPartZoneID = "Topzone"

$WebPartZoneIndex = 0




            Write-Host "Page is already Checkout to " $page.CheckedOutBy.UserLogin


            Write-Host "Page is Over ridded by " $web.CurrentUser.DisplayName + " to Add Webpart"


    $wmgr=$web.GetLimitedWebPartManager($page,    [System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.PersonalizationScope]::Shared);




    $page.Publish('Adding request Site Webpart') 

    "Request Site WebPart SucessfullAdded" + (Get-Date -DisplayHint Date) | Out-File -Append "C:\OutPutLog.txt" 


        $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message 

        "Request Site WebPart Failure" + $ErrorMessage  +  (Get-Date -DisplayHint Date) | Out-File -Append "C:\ErrorLog.txt"
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