
I have an Ada program to calculate the average and standard deviation of 200 values taken from a file, and they are both working correctly. these packages are in float type, How to turn them into generic type?

The average package ads file is:

with Text_IO;
package avg is
  type int_array is Array (1..200) of integer;
  function avrage (ParArray: int_array) return float;
end avg;

and the average package body is:

with Text_IO;   
WITH Ada.Integer_Text_IO; USE Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
package body avg is
 function avrage (ParArray: int_array) return float is
  result: float :=0.0;
  final:float :=0.0;
  myarray: int_array:=ParArray;
  for v in myarray'Range loop
     result:= result + float(myarray(v));
  end loop;
  return final;
 end avrage;
end avg;

I call this package in my main program by "with" and "use". please tell me what to do

Foi útil?


You don’t say what you want your package to be generic in.

I’m assuming that you want the input to be an array (Input_Values below) of some type Input_Value indexed by Input_Index, and you want the output to be of some floating-point type Result_Value. You’ll need a function To_Result_Value to convert Input_Value to Result_Value.

   type Input_Value is private;
   type Input_Index is (<>);
   type Input_Values is array (Input_Index range <>) of Input_Value;
   type Result_Value is digits <>;
   with function To_Result_Value (X : Input_Value) return Result_Value;
package Statistics is
   function Mean (Input : Input_Values) return Result_Value;
end Statistics;

... with implementation:

package body Statistics is
   function Mean (Input : Input_Values) return Result_Value is
      Sum : Result_Value := 0.0;
      for I of Input loop
         Sum := Sum + To_Result_Value (I);
      end loop;
      return Sum / Result_Value (Input’Length);
   end Mean;
end Statistics;

... and a little demo:

with Ada.Text_IO;
with Statistics;
procedure Demo is
   type Arr is array (Integer range <>) of Integer;
   function To_Float (X : Integer) return Float is
      return Float (X);
   end To_Float;
   package Avg is new Statistics (Input_Value => Integer,
                                  Input_Index => Integer,
                                  Input_Values => Arr,
                                  Result_Value => Float,
                                  To_Result_Value => To_Float);
   A : Arr := (1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
   M : Float;
   M := Avg.Mean (A);
   Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("mean is " & Float'Image (M));
end Demo;
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