
I have a mountable engine called Blog that apps can use.

What's the best way to allow apps that use the engine to set a configuration variable like site_name (so that the engine can display it in the design)?


I've seen some gems create a 'config/initializers/gem_name.rb' file. Is there any specification on how to:

  1. Create a file like that on the engine's side
  2. Copy it into the app's side
  3. How to access those set variables on the engine's side?

I tried creating Blog.site_name = "My Site" in the app's config/initializers/blog.rb file but get an Undefined method error.

Foi útil?


Figured out an even better solution that also allows you to set default values (incase the app using the engine doesn't specify a config)...

  1. Create config variables in your app's /config/initializers/blog.rb like this:
    Blog.setup do |config|
        config.site_name = "My Site Name"
  1. In your engine's /lib/blog/engine.rb set default values like this:
    module Blog
         self.mattr_accessor :site_name
         self.site_name = "Site Name"
         # add default values of more config vars here
         # this function maps the vars from your app into your engine
         def self.setup(&block)
            yield self
  1. Now you can simply access the config variables in your engine like this:


Much cleaner.

Outras dicas

After a lot of testing and looking into existing gems, here is what works in Rails 4:

Considering your engine's name is Blog:

In your engine's /lib/blog/engine.rb put in this:

module Blog

    def self.setup(&block)
        @config ||=

        yield @config if block


    def self.config


In your app, create a file called /config/initalizers/blog.rb and set config vars like this:

Blog.setup do |config|
    config.testingvar = "asdfasdf"

Then you can access these config variables ANYWHERE in your engine like this:


Hope this helps someone. There is very little documentation on this right now so it was all trial and error.

I know this is a fairly old post, but in the event someone in the future finds this, I'd like to recommend the Angostura gem for passing dependencies into a Rails engine. To use it, assuming my engine is called 'Blog' and I want to access a variable called 'site_name', the engine's lib/blog.rb looks something like:

require "blog/engine"
require "angostura"

module Blog
  include Angostura::Dependencies

  dependency :site_name

In my main app, in config/initializers/blog.rb, I added

Blog.setup do |config|
  config.site_name = "My site name"

Now, I can access site_name in my engine by calling Blog.site_name.

I'd like to point out that defaults are also supported, so you could do something like dependency site_name: 'Default site name' in lib/blog.rb. Furthermore, you can pass in whole classes as dependencies by sending it stringified classnames, like config.my_class = 'MyClass'.

For posterity, in order to use the gem, I added s.add_dependency "angostura", "0.6.0" in my engine's gemspec, and then ran bundle install.

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