
  • I Have Created a file which is running on Mac , this .app file is created with the references from URL

            - This .app file contains 
                    ----> Content (Folder)
                                ----> info.plist
                                ----> MacOS(subfolder)
                                            ---->ButtonDemo.jar (runnable jar)
                                            ---->launch (unix executable script)
                                ----> Resources(subfolder)
                                            ----->application.icns(icon images)
           -  Same above procedure I followed for my runnable (iwb.jar) file which are placed accordingly with its dependencies ,
           - This file contains 
                    ----> Content (Folder)
                                ----> info.plist
                                ----> MacOS(subfolder)
                                            ---->iwb.jar (runnable jar)
                                            ---->DerbyDatabase (dependent database)
                                            ---->jre (dependant jre)
                                            ---->props (property configuration)
                                            ---->server (jetty server)
                                            ---->launch (unix executable script)
                                ----> Resources(subfolder)
                                            ----->application.icns(icon images)   

    This following iwb.jar (runnable jar). IF once executed it starts the jetty server application and opens the browser with the JettyServer Home Page.

but I'm getting this following Exception: " LSOpenURLsWithRole() failed with error - 10810 " on Mac OS X version 10.8.4

Nenhuma solução correta

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