
this is a paste from threadsanitazer (clang) which reports data race

Googling around it seems this is a problem with threadsanitazer (for example

So lets say this looks like (written by hand just now for this so it's not working code):

class myclass : : public std::enable_shared_from_this<myclass>
  public:  // example!
  myclass(boost::asio::io_service &io, int id);
  ~myclass() { /*im called on destruction properly*/ }
  void start_and_do_async();
  void stop();

  int ID;
  boost::asio::udp::socket usocket_;
  ... endpoint_;
  ... &io_;

typedef std::shared_ptr<myclass> myclass_ptr;
std::unordered_map<int, myclass_ptr> mymap;

myclass::myclass(boost::asio::io_service io, int id) : io_(io)
  ID = id;

void myclass::start_and_do_async()
   // do work here 

  //passing (by value) shared_ptr from this down in lambda prolongs this instance life
  auto self(shared_from_this()); 
  [this,self](const boost::system::error_code &ec, std::size_t bytes_transferred)

void myclass::stop()
  // ...some work and cleanups

in main thread new thread is created (this is in another class actually) and run for new io_service handlers

new boost::thread([&]()
     boost::asio::io_service::work work(thread_service);;

and from the main thread element gets added or removed periodically

void add_elem(int id)
  auto my = std::make_shared<my>(thread_service, id);
  mymap[id] = my;

void del_elem(int id)
  auto my =;
  mymap.erase(id); //erase first shared_ptr instace from map

  // run this in the same thread as start_and_do_async is running so no data race can happen (io_service is thread safe in this case)[my]()
    my.stop(); //this will finally destroy myclass and free memory when shared_ptr is out of scope

So in this case and judging by the docs (where it states that distinct shared_ptr (boost or std) allows read/write access from multiple threads) can there be a data race?

Does this code properly create two distinct shared_ptr instaces for one pointer?

In shared_ptr.h I can see atomic operations so I just want a confirmation that it is problem with thread sanitazer reporting false positives.

In my tests this works correctly with no memory leakage (shared_ptr instances are removed properly and destructor is called), segfaults or anything else (10 hours inserting/deleting elements - 100 per second or 1 by second)

Foi útil?


Assuming the shared_ptr thread safety documentation matches its implementation, then the report of a data race on the shared_ptr is a false-positive. The threads operate on distinct instances of shared_ptr that share ownership of the same instance. Hence, there is no concurrent access of the same shared_ptr instance.

With that said, I do want to stress that in the example, the thread safety of myclass::usocket_ is dependent on only a single thread processing the io_service, effectively executing in an implicit strand. If multiple threads service the io_service, then an explicit strand can be used to provide thread safety. For more details on some of the thread safety subtleties with Boost.Asio and strands, consider reading this answer.

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