
I am loading data from two tables: institute and country. Institute has 3 columns: instId, name, countryId. And country has 2 columns: countryId, name where countryId is a foreign key from country table. I fill these two tables in dataset. I have datagridview and set its datasource to institute table in my dataset. I also create datagridviewcomboboxcolumn and bind it country table. Have a look to the following code:

    Public Class frmDGV

    Dim sqlConn As SqlConnection
    Dim dsOptions As DataSet
    Dim daInstitute As SqlDataAdapter
    Dim daAdapter As SqlDataAdapter
    Dim bsCountry As BindingSource

    Private Sub frmTest_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
            dsOptions = New DataSet

            dgvInstitute.DataSource = dsOptions.Tables("institute")
            bsCountry = New BindingSource(dsOptions, "country")

            Dim col As New DataGridViewComboBoxColumn
            col.DataPropertyName = "countryName"
            col.HeaderText = "Country"
            col.Name = "cName"

            col.DataSource = bsCountry
            col.DisplayMember = "countryName"
            col.ValueMember = "countryId"

            dgvInstitute.Columns(0).Width = 60
            dgvInstitute.Columns(1).Width = 200
            dgvInstitute.Columns(2).Width = 60
            dgvInstitute.Columns(3).Width = 120

        Catch ex As Exception
        End Try
    End Sub

    Sub loadOptions()
        Dim sql As String

            sqlConn = New SqlConnection(connString)

            sql = "select instId, name, countryId from institute"
            daInstitute = New SqlDataAdapter(sql, sqlConn)
            daInstitute.Fill(dsOptions, "institute")

            sql = "select countryId, countryName from country"
            daAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(sql, sqlConn)
            daAdapter.Fill(dsOptions, "country")

        Catch ex As Exception
        End Try
    End Sub
End Class

How can I display the proper country name in the combobox based on the countryId in the datagridview using the binding techniques not using a loop? See the following picture:enter image description here

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Change DataPropertyName for comboboxcolumn in your datagridview:

col.DataPropertyName = "countryId"

.DataPropertyName - is a column name from datagridview.DataSource,which you want to show in the current column.

Outras dicas

To be honest im not sure if you can due to the way you have bound this.

Does the country column need to be in a ComboBox? You could just include the country name in your first query.

The only way i could really see of doing this would be something like

for(int i = 0; i<dgvInstitute.Rows.Count; i++)
    dgvInstitute.Rows[rowIndexYouWant].Cells["cName"].Value = dgvInstitute.Rows[rowIndexYouWant].Cells["countryId"].Value;

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