
Consider a simple association...

class Person
   has_many :friends

class Friend
   belongs_to :person

What is the cleanest way to get all persons that have NO friends in ARel and/or meta_where?

And then what about a has_many :through version

class Person
   has_many :contacts
   has_many :friends, :through => :contacts, :uniq => true

class Friend
   has_many :contacts
   has_many :people, :through => :contacts, :uniq => true

class Contact
   belongs_to :friend
   belongs_to :person

I really don't want to use counter_cache - and I from what I've read it doesn't work with has_many :through

I don't want to pull all the person.friends records and loop through them in Ruby - I want to have a query/scope that I can use with the meta_search gem

I don't mind the performance cost of the queries

And the farther away from actual SQL the better...

Foi útil?


This is still pretty close to SQL, but it should get everyone with no friends in the first case:

Person.where('id NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT(person_id) FROM friends)')

Outras dicas


Person.includes(:friends).where( :friends => { :person_id => nil } )

For the hmt it's basically the same thing, you rely on the fact that a person with no friends will also have no contacts:

Person.includes(:contacts).where( :contacts => { :person_id => nil } )


Got a question about has_one in the comments, so just updating. The trick here is that includes() expects the name of the association but the where expects the name of the table. For a has_one the association will generally be expressed in the singular, so that changes, but the where() part stays as it is. So if a Person only has_one :contact then your statement would be:

Person.includes(:contact).where( :contacts => { :person_id => nil } )

Update 2

Someone asked about the inverse, friends with no people. As I commented below, this actually made me realize that the last field (above: the :person_id) doesn't actually have to be related to the model you're returning, it just has to be a field in the join table. They're all going to be nil so it can be any of them. This leads to a simpler solution to the above:

Person.includes(:contacts).where( :contacts => { :id => nil } )

And then switching this to return the friends with no people becomes even simpler, you change only the class at the front:

Friend.includes(:contacts).where( :contacts => { :id => nil } )

Update 3 - Rails 5

Thanks to @Anson for the excellent Rails 5 solution (give him some +1s for his answer below), you can use left_outer_joins to avoid loading the association:

Person.left_outer_joins(:contacts).where( contacts: { id: nil } )

I've included it here so people will find it, but he deserves the +1s for this. Great addition!

smathy has a good Rails 3 answer.

For Rails 5, you can use left_outer_joins to avoid loading the association.

Person.left_outer_joins(:contacts).where( contacts: { id: nil } )

Check out the api docs. It was introduced in pull request #12071.

Persons that have no friends

Person.includes(:friends).where("friends.person_id IS NULL")

Or that have at least one friend

Person.includes(:friends).where("friends.person_id IS NOT NULL")

You can do this with Arel by setting up scopes on Friend

class Friend
  belongs_to :person

  scope :to_somebody, ->{ where arel_table[:person_id].not_eq(nil) }
  scope :to_nobody,   ->{ where arel_table[:person_id].eq(nil) }

And then, Persons who have at least one friend:


The friendless:


Both the answers from dmarkow and Unixmonkey get me what I need - Thank You!

I tried both out in my real app and got timings for them - Here are the two scopes:

class Person
  has_many :contacts
  has_many :friends, :through => :contacts, :uniq => true
  scope :without_friends_v1, -> { where("(select count(*) from contacts where = 0") }
  scope :without_friends_v2, -> { where("id NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT(person_id) FROM contacts)") }

Ran this with a real app - small table with ~700 'Person' records - average of 5 runs

Unixmonkey's approach (:without_friends_v1) 813ms / query

dmarkow's approach (:without_friends_v2) 891ms / query (~ 10% slower)

But then it occurred to me that I don't need the call to DISTINCT()... I'm looking for Person records with NO Contacts - so they just need to be NOT IN the list of contact person_ids. So I tried this scope:

  scope :without_friends_v3, -> { where("id NOT IN (SELECT person_id FROM contacts)") }

That gets the same result but with an average of 425 ms/call - nearly half the time...

Now you might need the DISTINCT in other similar queries - but for my case this seems to work fine.

Thanks for your help

Unfortunately, you're probably looking at a solution involving SQL, but you could set it in a scope and then just use that scope:

class Person
  has_many :contacts
  has_many :friends, :through => :contacts, :uniq => true
  scope :without_friends, where("(select count(*) from contacts where = 0")

Then to get them, you can just do Person.without_friends, and you can also chain this with other Arel methods: Person.without_friends.order("name").limit(10)

A NOT EXISTS correlated subquery ought to be fast, particularly as the row count and ratio of child to parent records increases.

scope :without_friends, where("NOT EXISTS (SELECT null FROM contacts where contacts.person_id =")

Also, to filter out by one friend for instance:

Friend.where.not(id: other_friend.friends.pluck(:id))
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