
So I hear that modules are very pythonic and I structure my code with modules a lot and avoid classes.

But now I'm writing a module Formula that has a lot of the same functionality as the module Car. How should I handle that?

  • Duplicate code in both modules?
  • Convert to classes?
  • Refactor code to add a third, parent module Vehicle and import methods and variables that I need?

The third looks good, the only downside that I see is that there are some variables that are specific to a module (e.g. top_speed), but the functions in the parent module Vehicle need to access those specific variables.

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Modules can sometimes be used to implement Singletons, but they aren't meant to be a replacement for classes. You can only import the module once, while a class can have multiple instances.

If you need inheritance, use a class.

A module is an instance, not a class, so you can't inherit from it any more than you can inherit from 6.

If your stuff has state, you should have classes, not modules.

If you have two modules that need the same stuff, then it either a) one of them should have it and the second should use the first, or b) they should both get it from a third module.

Module names are typically lowercase, since Uppercase/CamelCase names indicate classes.

class Base():

class derived(Base):

But this is inheriting class...

I wanted to inherit from a module, and I did it:

import json

class custom_json(): pass

for i in json.__all__:
    setattr(custom_json, i, getattr(json, i))

At least it works.

If you will override some attributes, then use it:

import json

class custom_json():
    def dump():

for i in json.__all__:
    if not hasattr(custom_json, i):
        setattr(custom_json, i, getattr(json, i))

Let me give you an example:

import os
import sys
config = dict()
config['module_name'] = "some_xyz_thing"
config['description'] = "Implements xyz functionality"

from Base import config
config['module_name'] = "som_more_xyz_functionality"

This way you can use inheritance at module level

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