
My first post so please be gentle.

I have batch file that outputs ipconfig/all data to a txt file on my desktop.

Is it possible to use the ip address or mac address data contained in the file to reanme the file.


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Yes, it is possible.

First you need to find the address. E.g. with

findstr /C:"  IPv6 Address" foo.txt

Then you need to get the address into a variable:

set Address=
for /f "delims=: tokens=1*" %%a in ('findstr /C:"  IPv6 Address" foo.txt') do (
  if not defined Address=%%b

Note the use of %%b there, despite the loop variable being %%a. That's because tokenization creates new variables. Also we're only using the first address because there might be several, but that's only a vague heuristic because it's not really set in stone whether non-NIC devices come before or after them.

Then we need to clean up the address because colons are not valid in file names:

set Address=%Address::=_%

And rename the file

ren foo.txt %Address%.txt

You surely can figure out how to adapt this to IPv4 or MAC addresses, I guess.

This allows you to select the MAC address you need, if you adjust the terms.

At the moment it picks the first Ethernet device it finds in the ipconfig /all output and creates a txt file with the MAC address.

@echo off
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('ipconfig /all ^|findrepl "Ethernet" /e:"Physical Address" /b:"Physical Address" ^|findrepl ".*Physical Address.*: (.*)" "$1" ^|findrepl /o:1:1 ') do (
ipconfig /all >"%%a.txt"

The above uses a helper batch file called findrepl.bat - download from:

Place findrepl.bat in the same folder as the batch file or on the path.

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