
1. Main function

Ok. First and main function is this:

function url( $atts, $content = null ) {
return '<a href="/url/?iframe='.$content.'" target="_blank">'.$content.'</a>';
add_shortcode("url", "url");

And I use: [url][/url]

It returns:

<a href="/url/?link=" target="_blank"></a>

2. Agreement function

When is clicked it sends user to agreement to proceed:

function url_proceed( $atts, $content = null ) {
$url = "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$url = str_replace('url', 'url.php', $url);
return '<a href="'.$url.'">Proceed</a>';
add_shortcode("url_proceed", "url_proceed");

This shortcode is placed on page with name and tag: url, as function says.

and this would send user to final destination:

<a href="/url.php/?iframe=" target="_blank">Proceed</a>

3. Final destination

url.php is in root, with content:

<iframe src="<?php echo $_GET['iframe']; ?>" width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0" scrolling="yes"></iframe>

4. Address bar

In address bar in all steps I have ?iframe=



In address bar I want this ?iframe= to be like this ?iframe=encrypted/obfuscated, or to remove it but still to be able and used by $_GET

Please if someone know solution, I will be thankfull.

I know inspect element will still show source of iframe, but it looks more nice if there is no this holder shown.

Foi útil?


you can use Base64 encode with:




and then decode with:


and on the page that receives the parameter you decode

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