
I'm trying to write a post-commit hook for a VisualSVN server on MSWindows, that immediately after the commit updates the server's project. On the server side: when I'm commiting a revision the svn up command cannot be executed in the hook. On the client side I get the message Transmiting file data. and no further messages.

post-commit hook:

call C:\batch\_something_.cmd
call svn up D:\path\to\local\project       <--- it's freezing here

Thank You!

Nenhuma solução correta

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No need to use call here. Remove it!


"<path-to-svn.exe>" update D:\path\to\local\project
exit 0

Goto the visualsvn server -> select the repository -> properties-> Hooks ->Post commit hook

pushd D:\path\to\local\project
svn update --trust-server-cert --non-interactive --username *** --password *** --no-auth-cache

Did you try to execute it manually and check what happened? Sometimes it might be due to the client certificate error.

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