
Estamos experimentando desconecta em nosso Tomcat / BlazeDS / pilha ActiveMQ. Embora o nosso BlazeDS StreamingAMFChannel está configurada com o padrão de idle-timeout minutos de 0, parece tempo limite após cerca de 30 minutos de tempo ocioso (veja log). O cliente não fazer quaisquer pedidos durante esse tempo e nós também não estão empurrando mensagens do tópico ActiveMQ.

Temos permitiu o registo de depuração em activeMQ e BlazeDS e ver que BlazeDS está removendo o consumidor. Infelizmente não há nenhuma mensagem de log antes da mensagem de desconexão por isso não podemos realmente traçar quando este é chamado dentro BlazeDS.

Tem mais alguém experimentou este ou alguém pode fornecer uma solução?

* ActiveMQ log *

11 Mar 2009 16:25:47,405 [ActiveMQ Transport: tcp:///] DEBUG  - Removing consumer:
11 Mar 2009 16:25:47,406 [ActiveMQ Transport: tcp:///] DEBUG  - Removing consumer:
11 Mar 2009 16:25:47,407 [ContainerBackgroundProcessor[StandardEngine[Catalina]]] DEBUG activemq.transport.tcp.TcpTransport  - Stopping transport tcp://localhost/
11 Mar 2009 16:25:47,408 [ActiveMQ Transport Stopper: /] DEBUG  - Stopping connection: /
11 Mar 2009 16:25:47,409 [ActiveMQ Transport Stopper: /] DEBUG activemq.transport.tcp.TcpTransport  - Stopping transport tcp:///
11 Mar 2009 16:25:47,413 [ActiveMQ Transport Stopper: /] DEBUG  - Stopped connection: /
11 Mar 2009 16:25:47,417 [ActiveMQ Transport Stopper: /] DEBUG  - Connection Stopped: /
11 Mar 2009 16:25:47,427 [ActiveMQ Transport: tcp:///] DEBUG  - Removing consumer:
11 Mar 2009 16:25:47,430 [ActiveMQ Transport: tcp:///] DEBUG  - Removing consumer:
11 Mar 2009 16:25:47,431 [ContainerBackgroundProcessor[StandardEngine[Catalina]]] DEBUG activemq.transport.tcp.TcpTransport  - Stopping transport tcp://localhost/
11 Mar 2009 16:25:47,431 [ActiveMQ Transport Stopper: /] DEBUG  - Stopping connection: /
11 Mar 2009 16:25:47,431 [ActiveMQ Transport Stopper: /] DEBUG activemq.transport.tcp.TcpTransport  - Stopping transport tcp:///
11 Mar 2009 16:25:47,435 [ActiveMQ Transport Stopper: /] DEBUG  - Stopped connection: /
11 Mar 2009 16:25:47,438 [ActiveMQ Transport Stopper: /] DEBUG  - Connection Stopped: /
11 Mar 2009 16:25:47,439 [ActiveMQ Transport: tcp:///] DEBUG  - Removing consumer:
11 Mar 2009 16:25:47,439 [ActiveMQ Transport: tcp:///] DEBUG  - Removing consumer:
11 Mar 2009 16:25:47,440 [ContainerBackgroundProcessor[StandardEngine[Catalina]]] DEBUG activemq.transport.tcp.TcpTransport  - Stopping transport tcp://localhost/
11 Mar 2009 16:25:47,440 [ActiveMQ Transport Stopper: /] DEBUG  - Stopping connection: /
11 Mar 2009 16:25:47,441 [ActiveMQ Transport Stopper: /] DEBUG activemq.transport.tcp.TcpTransport  - Stopping transport tcp:///
11 Mar 2009 16:25:47,441 [ActiveMQ Transport Stopper: /] DEBUG  - Stopped connection: /
11 Mar 2009 16:25:47,441 [ActiveMQ Transport Stopper: /] DEBUG  - Connection Stopped: /

log * BlazeDS *

[BlazeDS]03/11/2009 15:55:39.776 [DEBUG] [Endpoint.AMF] Serializing AMF/HTTP response
Version: 3
  (Message #0 targetURI=/4/onResult, responseURI=)
    (Externalizable Object #0 'DSK')
      (Externalizable Object #1 '')
        (Array #2)
(Byte Array #3, Length 16)
(Byte Array #4, Length 16)
(Byte Array #5, Length 16)

[BlazeDS]03/11/2009 16:25:47.391 [INFO] [Service.Message.JMS] JMS consumer for JMS destination 'java:comp/env/eventMessagesFlexTopic' is being removed from the JMS adapter
[BlazeDS]03/11/2009 16:25:47.392 [INFO] [Service.Message.JMS] JMS consumer for JMS destination 'java:comp/env/eventMessagesFlexTopic' is stopping.
[BlazeDS]03/11/2009 16:25:47.417 [DEBUG] [Client.MessageClient] MessageClient with clientId '7A98D7BC-F0B3-922C-A968-BE0BFB7D9080' for destination 'eventMessageFeed' has been invalidated.
[BlazeDS]03/11/2009 16:25:47.419 [INFO] [Service.Message.JMS] JMS consumer for JMS destination 'java:comp/env/detectorsFlexTopic' is being removed from the JMS adapter
[BlazeDS]03/11/2009 16:25:47.423 [INFO] [Service.Message.JMS] JMS consumer for JMS destination 'java:comp/env/detectorsFlexTopic' is stopping.
[BlazeDS]03/11/2009 16:25:47.435 [DEBUG] [Client.MessageClient] MessageClient with clientId '7A9BC826-2199-C772-0A1B-FE6FAE9F7402' for destination 'detectorsFeed' has been invalidated.
[BlazeDS]03/11/2009 16:25:47.438 [INFO] [Service.Message.JMS] JMS consumer for JMS destination 'java:comp/env/scenariosFlexTopic' is being removed from the JMS adapter
[BlazeDS]03/11/2009 16:25:47.438 [INFO] [Service.Message.JMS] JMS consumer for JMS destination 'java:comp/env/scenariosFlexTopic' is stopping.
[BlazeDS]03/11/2009 16:25:47.440 [DEBUG] [Client.MessageClient] MessageClient with clientId '7A9BCE40-A0DA-18D6-9FA1-6D6AA2088256' for destination 'scenarioMessageFeed' has been invalidated.
[BlazeDS]03/11/2009 16:25:47.441 [DEBUG] [Client.FlexClient] FlexClient with id '7A95FDE9-0091-B1CD-3660-D8E9CD6CD3E6' has been invalidated.
[BlazeDS]03/11/2009 16:25:47.441 [DEBUG] [Endpoint.StreamingAMF] Endpoint with id 'my-streaming-amf' is streaming message: Flex Message (flex.messaging.messages.CommandMessage)
operation = disconnect
clientId = null
correlationId = null
destination = null
messageId = 7ED1C45A-10A7-BFBB-E24E-94B9C03047EE
timestamp = 1236785147441
timeToLive = 0
body = null
[BlazeDS]03/11/2009 16:25:47.441 [DEBUG] [Endpoint.FlexSession] FlexSession with id '71A76CA22AC435285736F6DB0E38AC11' for an Http-based client connection has been invalidated.
[BlazeDS]03/11/2009 16:25:47.444 [DEBUG] [Client.FlexClient] FlexClient with id '7A941468-80E5-8343-A2AE-A3AFFA135734' has been invalidated.
[BlazeDS]03/11/2009 16:25:47.444 [DEBUG] [Endpoint.FlexSession] FlexSession with id '1238AA40EF8B016F3942C6D6BDBA29B9' for an Http-based client connection has been invalidated.
[BlazeDS]03/11/2009 16:25:47.444 [DEBUG] [Endpoint.StreamingAMF] Streaming thread 'http-8080-1' for endpoint with id 'my-streaming-amf' is releasing connection and returning to the request handler pool.
[BlazeDS]03/11/2009 16:25:47.444 [INFO] [Endpoint.FlexSession] Number of streaming clients for FlexSession with id '71A76CA22AC435285736F6DB0E38AC11' is 0.
[BlazeDS]03/11/2009 16:25:47.444 [DEBUG] [Endpoint.StreamingAMF] Number of streaming clients for endpoint with id 'my-streaming-amf' is 0.
[BlazeDS]03/11/2009 16:25:47.489 [DEBUG] [Endpoint.FlexSession] FlexSession created with id 'E5BCC7617F3937139CCAD377EEB85D45' for an Http-based client connection.
[BlazeDS]03/11/2009 16:25:47.489 [INFO] [Endpoint.General] Channel endpoint my-streaming-amf received request.
Foi útil?


Nós resolvemos isso enviando uma mensagem de keep-alive do cliente para o servidor a cada 30 segundos. Aparentemente, foi o FlexSession que estava expirando uma vez que este segue limite padrão da sessão do Tomcat. Desde que a mensagem de keep-alive é enviado em um intervalo baixo, nós também definir o tempo limite da sessão para um valor baixo no servidor, que resulta num aumento da consumptiom memória no servidor.

Outras dicas

Você pode responder a um evento desconectar e reconectar se você precisa.

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