
In JSX, how do you reference a value from props from inside a quoted attribute value?

For example:

<img className="image" src="images/{this.props.image}" />

The resulting HTML output is:

<img class="image" src="images/{this.props.image}">
Foi útil?


React (or JSX) doesn't support variable interpolation inside an attribute value, but you can put any JS expression inside curly braces as the entire attribute value, so this works:

<img className="image" src={"images/" + this.props.image} />

Outras dicas

If you want to use the es6 template literals, you need braces around the tick marks as well:

<img className="image" src={`images/${this.props.image}`} />

If you're using JSX with Harmony, you could do this:

<img className="image" src={`images/${this.props.image}`} />

Here you are writing the value of src as an expression.

Instead of adding variables and strings, you can use the ES6 template strings! Here is an example:

<img className="image" src={`images/${this.props.image}`} />

As for all other JavaScript components inside JSX, use template strings inside of curly braces. To "inject" a variable use a dollar sign followed by curly braces containing the variable you would like to inject. For example:

{`string ${variable} another string`}

Best practices are to add getter method for that :

getImageURI() {
  return "images/" + this.props.image;

<img className="image" src={this.getImageURI()} />

Then , if you have more logic later on, you can maintain the code smoothly.

For People, looking for answers w.r.t to 'map' function and dynamic data, here is a working example.

<img src={"" + each_actor['logo']} />

This gives the URL as "" (random example)

Note: In react you can put javascript expression inside curly bracket. We can use this property in this example.
Note: give one look to below example:

class LoginForm extends React.Component {

  constructor(props) {

    this.state = {i:1};

  handleClick() {
    this.setState(prevState => ({i : prevState.i + 1}));


  render() {

    return (
        <p onClick={this.handleClick.bind(this)}>Click to change image</p>
        <img src={'images/back'+ this.state.i+'.jpg'}/>


Here is the Best Option for Dynamic className or Props , just do some concatenation like we do in Javascript.

        "badge " +
        (this.props.value ? "badge-primary " : "badge-danger ") +
        " m-4"

you can use

<img className="image" src=`images/${this.props.image}`>


<img className="image" src={'images/'+this.props.image}>


  render() {
         let imageUrl = this.props.image ? "images/"+this.props.image : 'some placeholder url image';
    return (
          <img className="image" src={imageUrl} />

You can do like this

<img className="img" src=`images/${this.props.image}`>
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