
There Should be a Documentation Comment written for each Method in the example SCParserDelegate Protocol.

I'm Building a Parsing Framework to be used by 3rd Party Developers. (This is my first Framework project, so my development process is Highly Academic to maximize learning.)

Sample Code:

/** @protocol SCParserDelegate
 *   @brief Protocol for a Delegate to handle Callbacks when an SCParser finds Tags
@protocol SCParserDelegate
@property (readonly) BOOL processing;
-(void)parserDidStart:(SCParser *)parser;
-(void)parserDidFinish:(SCParser *)parser;
-(void)parser:(SCParser *)parser didOpenTag:(SCTag *)tag;
-(void)parser:(SCParser *)parser didCloseTag:(SCTag *)tag;
-(void)parser:(SCParser *)parser didSingleTag:(SCTag *)tag;
-(void)parser:(SCParser *)parser whitelistDeniedTag:(SCTag *)tag;
-(void)parser:(SCParser *)parser parseErrorOccurred:(NSError *)parseError;
-(void)parser:(SCParser *)parser foundCharacters:(NSString *)content;

How can I Manually Write my own Documentation Comment Blocks for each Method and Property within the Sample Code above?

Foi útil?

Solução 2

NSHipster has good comments on this.

As for delegates its good to inform whoever is conforming to the protocol of when the messages will be sent, so for example:

 * @field processing   Flag indicating that the operation is currently in process
@property (readonly) BOOL processing;

 * Sent right after the parser began
 * @param parser (Something about the parser)
-(void)parserDidStart:(SCParser *)parser;

 * Sent after the parser opens the given tag (maybe some hints as to what the delegate may do)
 * @param parser (Words about the parser)
 * @param tag    (Something about the tag)
-(void)parser:(SCParser *)parser didOpenTag:(SCTag *)tag;

There's other tags which are helpful such as @return and @warning. VVDocumenter is quite helpful so I would recommend installing that.

Outras dicas

It sounds like you want to use something like VVDocumenter.

From their Github page:

Writing document is so important for developing, but it is really painful with Xcode. Think about how much time you are wasting in pressing '*' or '/', and typing the parameters again and again. Now, you can find the method (or any code) you want to document to, and type in ///, the document will be generated for you and all params and return will be extracted into a Javadoc style, which is compatible with appledoc, Doxygen and HeaderDoc. You can just fill the inline placeholder tokens to finish your document.

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