
This hasn't got anything to do with paperclip, btw.

I've upgraded to rails 3.2 from a early version of rails 3.

I was using the AWS:S3 class to create buckets and what not.

The following code was working inside a model:

AWS::S3::Base.establish_connection!(:access_key_id => ...blah blah blah

I was also requiring the gem in the model like so:

require 'aws/s3'

However now I've upgraded and have ran all the updates on blunder, I'm getting the error:

uninitialized constant AWS::S3::Base

...when trying to establish a connection to S3.

Does anyone know what this is happening and how to fix it. Thanks.

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I know you said it doesn't have to do with Paperclip but are you also using Paperclip in addition to the s3 gem in your app? I don't think newer versions of Paperclip depend on the aws-s3 gem anymore and instead depend on the aws-sdk gem.

Try replacing the aws-s3 gem with the aws-sdk gem.

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