
Is it possible and how to do not apply css on specific web page?

For example, i have some div's on Master Page and some css for them

.header {...}

But i have also some page (Home page), which is different from all site-style.

So i don't want to appy css from Master Page and i don't want overwrite existing css rules like this :


Maybe there is solution such as add new Master Page.

Is it good to add some css using JS before page is loaded?

Nenhuma solução correta

Outras dicas

Maybe you can try any of these options:

  • Wrap all your standard pages under a <div id="whatever">, except the specific page you want free of your general css. Then prefix your css rules with #whatever, so a {color:red;} would be #whatever a {color:red}

This approach is very easy using LESS, because there is no need of prefixing every rule, just wrap them inside #whatever { ALL YOUR RULES}

  • Dynamically loading of your css, via JS or your server logic if you are using any MVC flavoured framework.
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