
The problem: Clickonce puts sub-folders of a project in a different place when used in Visual Studio vs when installed as a Clickonce application.

In Visual Studio they are under:


While when installed, they're under:


Though I can check for Clickonce installation (as shown in an answer to my question here , "closed as not a real question"...) I'm worried this might break at some point - unless I understand exactly why this happens.

So what’s the correct way of getting folders' paths both when running inside Visual Studio, and when installed as Clickonce?

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If I correctly understood your question, try to use Application.StartupPath and ApplicationDeployment.CurrentDeployment.DataDirectory as follows:

string startupPath = ApplicationDeployment.IsNetworkDeployed
    ? ApplicationDeployment.CurrentDeployment.DataDirectory :
    : Application.StartupPath;

Or just Application.StartupPath.

Or just ApplicationDeployment.CurrentDeployment.DataDirectory.

It depends on the meaning of the "Clickonce puts sub-folders of a project"

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