
Is it possible to get Travis CI working with Clang that is capable of C++11? (I want Clang, not GCC, I already have GCC 4.8 working in Travis CI.) It appears that the version that is there pre-installed is not C++11 capable. All my attempts at installing any newer version end up failing because of this:

In file included from /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.8/../../../../include/c++/4.8/bits/move.h:57:   
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.8/../../../../include/c++/4.8/type_traits:269:39: error:
use of undeclared identifier '__float128'
struct __is_floating_point_helper<__float128>

I have seen the -D__STRICT_ANSI__ trick but that clashes with other things for me.

Is it possible to get it working? See also my .travis.yml.

Foi útil?

Solução 2

Here is a part of my .travis.yml files (mostly taken from this file).

language: cpp

  - clang
  - gcc

  # g++4.8.1
  - if [ "$CXX" == "g++" ]; then sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test; fi

  # clang 3.4
  - if [ "$CXX" == "clang++" ]; then sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:h-rayflood/llvm; fi

  - sudo apt-get update -qq

  # g++4.8.1
  - if [ "$CXX" = "g++" ]; then sudo apt-get install -qq g++-4.8; fi
  - if [ "$CXX" = "g++" ]; then export CXX="g++-4.8"; fi

  # clang 3.4
  - if [ "$CXX" == "clang++" ]; then sudo apt-get install --allow-unauthenticated -qq clang-3.4; fi
  - if [ "$CXX" == "clang++" ]; then export CXX="clang++-3.4"; fi

  - $CXX --version

EDIT because it can be very useful to add libc++ for travis. Up to my knowledge, there is no Linux package for libc++, so one has to compile it "by hand". Do not forget -stdlib=libc++ in CXXFLAGS while compiling with clang.

  # clang 3.4
  - if [ "$CXX" == "clang++" ]; then sudo apt-get install --allow-unauthenticated -qq clang-3.4; fi
  - if [ "$CXX" == "clang++" ]; then export CXXFLAGS="-std=c++0x -stdlib=libc++"; fi
  - if [ "$CXX" == "clang++" ]; then svn co --quiet libcxx; fi

  - if [ "$CXX" == "clang++" ]; then cd libcxx/lib && bash buildit; fi
  - if [ "$CXX" == "clang++" ]; then sudo cp ./ /usr/lib/; fi
  - if [ "$CXX" == "clang++" ]; then sudo mkdir /usr/include/c++/v1; fi
  - if [ "$CXX" == "clang++" ]; then cd .. && sudo cp -r include/* /usr/include/c++/v1/; fi
  - if [ "$CXX" == "clang++" ]; then cd /usr/lib && sudo ln -sf; fi
  - if [ "$CXX" == "clang++" ]; then sudo ln -sf && cd $cwd; fi

  - if [ "$CXX" == "clang++" ]; then export CXX="clang++-3.4"; fi

Outras dicas

There is now a better way to do this.

sudo: false
dist: trusty
language: cpp
  - linux
  - gcc
  - clang
# /usr/bin/gcc is 4.6 always, but gcc-X.Y is available.
- if [[ $CXX = g++ ]]; then export CXX="g++-4.9" CC="gcc-4.9"; fi
# /usr/bin/clang has a conflict with gcc, so use clang-X.Y.
- if [[ $CXX = clang++ ]]; then export CXX="clang++-3.5" CC="clang-3.5"; fi
    - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test
    - llvm-toolchain-precise-3.5 # not sure why we needed this
    - gcc-4.9
    - g++-4.9
    - clang-3.5

(The explicit sudo: false will let it build in Docker (for speed) even if you have a pre-docker repo, according to Travis support.)

Thanks to solarce at Travis support for noticing my error and fixing the docs.

It appears that the clang developers fixed this when you build in -std=gnu++11 mode.

Are you able to build with that flag instead of __STRICT_ANSI__?

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