
I'm following up a response by @Gavin Simpson to an earlier question about x-axis tick labeling with a question about non-sequenced tick labels. Here is his response example to set up the problem:

f <- rnorm(700, 2)
dates <- seq(as.Date("04/01/2012", format = "%d/%m/%Y"),
             by = "days", length = length(f))
op <- par(mar = c(7,4,4,2) + 0.1) ## more space for the labels
plot(dates, f, xaxt = "n", ann = FALSE)
labDates <- seq(as.Date("01/01/2012", format = "%d/%m/%Y"), tail(dates, 1),
                by = "months")
axis.Date(side = 1, dates, at = labDates, format = "%b %y", las = 2)
title(ylab = "f") ## draw the axis labels
title(xlab = "dates", line = 5) ## push this one down a bit in larger margin
par(op) ## reset margin

However, rather than a sequenced set of x-axis tick labels beginning at "Jan 12" and ending "Dec 13" I would like to only label several dates that are non-sequential and of a different length than f, such as March 3, 2012, April 27, 2012, October 20, 2012, and May 8, 2013, while the remainder of the plot persists. So I set up a vector of dates to call but get tripped up after that:

f <- rnorm(700, 2)   # the count doesn't matter
MyDates<-c("03/03/12", "04/27/13","10/20/12", "05/08/13")   # non-sequential char string of dates not equal to f
plot(MyDates, f, xaxt = "n", ann = FALSE)
axis.Date(1, MyDates, at=c(1,length(MyDates), ??????))   #not complete and not right

So my question is how do I label a set of non-sequential x-axis tick marks of a different length than the data?

I would also like to add vertical lines at the dates I choose, which I am aware may be done with abline(), but have yet to get there since I'm laboring over this axis.Date issue.

Foi útil?


First, convert your selected dates from character to Date (using the right format string):

MyDates <- as.Date(MyDates, format = "%m/%d/%y")
# [1] "2012-03-03" "2013-04-27" "2012-10-20" "2013-05-08"

# [1] "Date"

Then you can add your axis with ticks at those points only:

axis.Date(side = 1, at = MyDates, format = "%b %y", las = 2)

That short axis looks ugly? Add the first and last date:

axis.Date(side = 1, at = c(min(dates), MyDates, max(dates)), format = "%b %y", las = 2)

Want to stretch the axis but not have the first/last labels? Don't print them:

axis.Date(side = 1, at = c(min(dates), MyDates, max(dates)), 
    labels = c("", format(MyDates, "%b %y"), ""), las = 2)

Or instead, draw a long axis first without labels:

axis.Date(side = 1, at = c(min(dates), max(dates)), labels=FALSE)
axis.Date(side = 1, at = MyDates, format = "%b %y", las = 2)

Vertical lines:

abline(v=MyDates, lty="dashed", col="red")
# etc.
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