
I have a problem importing a large CSV file with 400.000 rows into a database. These final import is done by an foreign import script which does some magic in a black box and i cannot influence it. This script is causing the memory_limit problems, but as i said, i have to use it. My problem is now to run the whole import. What i`ve tried is the following:

loop with while over original csv
read 1000 rows from csv
create a new file with these rows
give this new csv to doImport() function of the importer

but the foreign script still causes the memory_limit problems. Here is some pseude code

$csvLib = new foo();
$foreignImporter = new bar();

while ($thausendRows) {

    $tmpFile = $csvClass->writeCSV($thausendRows);


In sheer desperation I also tried to instanciate the csvLib and foreignImporter inside the loop to null and unset them after the loop, but that didn´t change nothing.

Any Ideas how to run the doImport in small chunks so that it don´t breaks? I increased the memory limit up to 2G on my local machine and it got the first 100.000 rows importet. But that is no option at all.

Nenhuma solução correta

Outras dicas

OK, I found a solution for my Problem. The memory leaking foreign part is outsourced into an own script. My part of the script reads the CSV. Now I loop over the rows and every 1000 rows i write a tmp CSV and call the foreign part in its own script with this tmpCSV. Instead of $foreignImporter->doImport($tmpFile); I do passthrough('script.php'). Thats all. Easy...if you know :)

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