
Part of an application I'm building is an API. Recent changes mean that I need to put two different versions of the data into my json feed. I think the best way to do this is to make the necessary changes in the database then create a virtual attribute to concatenate the data.

In my model I have the event_summary virtual attribute which there's no issue with outputting in views using <%= @event.event_summary =>:

def event_summary
    "#{title} (#{start_datetime.strftime('%A %d %b, %l:%M%P')})"

In my API controller I have a select query which gets the attributes I need for the API response (simplified version here):

respond_to :json

def index
  respond_with'title, event_summary')

The problem is that it always returns an undefined column error:

PG::UndefinedColumn: ERROR: column "event_summary" does not exist LINE 1: SELECT title, event_summary FROM "events"

I also tried the following but got the same result:

respond_with'title', :event_summary)

I'm using Postgres if that makes any difference.

Is there a way to do this?


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Solução 2

I think this might do what you want:

def index
  render :json => Event.all.to_json :methods => :event_summary


IIRC respond_with doesn't work with to_json, so you have to use render

Outras dicas

You can't use virtual attributes in the select method because it will be turned into a SQL statement and that field doesn't exist in your table. You could however, do the concatenation and date formatting in SQL:'title, (title || ' ' || to_char(start_datetime, 'HH12:MI:SS')) as event_summary')

That will in effect create a "virtual attribute" but in sql land and it will return events with that attribute present and formatted by the to_char postgres method. The date formatting isn't exactly what you had, so you'll need to tweak it to your needs (by changing the format string 'HH12:MI:SS') as detailed in the docs here:

Hope that helps.

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