
I have been trying to log in to my newly created Ubuntu oneiric AMI at EC2 but it always fails saying connection timed out. I have tried it using AWS Management console as well as command line tools. I have searched enough on Google and Server Fault/Stack Overflow and applied the suggestions to change the security group entries but could not find any success.

My AMI id is ami-0275f832(AMI: ubuntu/images-testing/ebs/ubuntu-oneiric-daily-amd64-server-20120212)

I am able to ping the instance and have opened the proper ssh 22 port in security group. I have also tried to change my region and availability zones to no avail.

Here are the security group entries for default group

ICMP Port Source

TCP Port Source
22 (SSH)

Here is the output of nmap

nmap -PN -p 22

Starting Nmap 5.21 ( ) at 2012-02-17 16:24 IST

Nmap scan report for (x.x.x.x)

Host is up.


22/tcp filtered ssh

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 2.48 seconds

I am not sure why it shows port 22 as filtered even after I have explicitly opened it via security group.


Foi útil?


I ran into issues the other day with RDS, I added an IP to the security group, but it was stuck in pending mode. Long story short I checked here and noticed a service interruption causing delays. When it was resolved so was my issue.

I see service interruption bulletins for your area too for that timeframe. Try removing and readding the ssh port in your security group again and see if it works this time around.

Outras dicas

When editing a security group, there 2 buttons: "add rule" and "apply rule changes". There might be a simple usability issue where it is easy press "apply rule changes" once and then add another rule and skip final the "apply rule changes".

The javascript-base web UI does not remind the user that changes will be discarded if one starts editing another rule or picks another view.

(I just ran into this problem myself and noticed that the new security group I created and assigned to an instance of the EBS AMI was incomplete. The security group had some, but not all of the rules I defined.)

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