
I've tried to compile a AVX2 program with gcc(g++). But it didn't work right.

__m256i _vector256  = _mm256_loadu_si256((__m256i*)pin);
__m256i _vectorMask = _mm256_loadu_si256((__m256i*)mask_hbits); 
_vector256 = _mm256_slli_epi32 (_vector256, AVX_LOGDESC); // AVX_LOGDESC == 4
__m256i _vectorRes = _mm256_and_si256(_vector256, _vectorMask);

My compile command is (as one line in Makefile):

g++ avx_shift.cpp -c -mavx2

I also tried this one:

g++ avx_shift.cpp -c -march=native

But the error messages were same:

/tmp/ccSFs6U0.s: Assembler messages:
/tmp/ccSFs6U0.s:1083: Error: suffix or operands invalid for `vpslld'
/tmp/ccSFs6U0.s:1091: Error: suffix or operands invalid for `vpand'

The assembly code (added the line number):

vmovdqa 988(%rsp), %ymm0    # __A, D.48219
movl    984(%rsp), %eax # __B, tmp205
movl    %eax, -120(%rsp)    # tmp205, %sfp
vmovd   -120(%rsp), %xmm6   # %sfp, tmp205
vpslld  %xmm6, %ymm0, %ymm0 # tmp205, D.48219, D.48220      // 1083
vmovdqa 668(%rsp), %ymm0    # __B, tmp220
vmovdqa 700(%rsp), %ymm1    # __A, tmp221
vpand   %ymm0, %ymm1, %ymm0 # tmp220, tmp221, D.48215       // 1091

My gcc(g++) version is 4.8.0. My OS version is Centos6.5 X86_64. I've confirmed that my CPU supports AVX2 instructions. So who can help me find the errors?

Foi útil?


The two source lines you pasted shouldn't, and on my machine don't, generate any vpslld or vpand instructions. Use the -S -g -fverbose-asm switches to ask for assembly source and try to find the matching source lines.

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