
I have an OrderedDict with elements (as in carbon and iron) ordered like the periodic table. I need to pull out some elements in an arbitrary order and retain the arbitrary order so they match up for later math using numpy.

If I do a list comprehension on the OrderedDict, I get the elements in the OrderedDict order. But if I convert it to a dict, then I get the elements in the correct arbitrary order (I hope not accidentally!)

Of course, if I spin my own loop then I can pull the elements in my arbitrary order just fine.

Can anyone illuminate what is the difference between the two (apparently identical) list comprehensions which clearly are not identical.


from collections import OrderedDict


ElementalSymbols = ['H', 'He', 'Li', 'Be', 'B', 'C', 'N', 'O']        
ElementalWeights = [1.00794, 4.002602, 6.941, 9.012182, 10.811, 12.0107, 14.0067, 15.9994];

ElementDict= OrderedDict(zip(ElementalSymbols, zip(range(0, MAXELEMENT), ElementalWeights)))

NewOrder = ['Be', 'C', 'H']

# This makes NewList have the same order as ElementDict, not NewOrder.
NewList = [(k, el[1]) for k, el in ElementDict.items() if k in NewOrder]

print NewList
# Results in:
#[('H', 1.00794), ('Be', 9.012182), ('C', 12.0107)]

# We do EXACTLY the same thing but change the OrderedDict to a dict.
ElementDict= dict(ElementDict)
# Same list comprehension, but not it is in NewOrder order instead of ElementDict order.
NewList = [(k, el[1]) for k, el in ElementDict.items() if k in NewOrder]

print NewList
# Results in:
#[('Be', 9.012182), ('C', 12.0107), ('H', 1.00794)]

# And, of course, the kludgy way to do it and be sure the elements are in the right order.
for i, el in enumerate(NewOrder):
    NewList[i] = (NewOrder[i], ElementDict[NewOrder[i]][1])

print NewList
# Results in:
#[('Be', 9.012182), ('C', 12.0107), ('H', 1.00794)]
Foi útil?


If you want a specific order, you can do this as the input to the dict, if you do it indirectly as a generator expression to OrderedDict:

ElementalSymbols = ['H', 'He', 'Li', 'Be', 'B', 'C', 'N', 'O']        
ElementalWeights = [1.00794, 4.002602, 6.941, 9.012182, 10.811, 12.0107, 14.0067, 15.9994];

ElementDict= OrderedDict(zip(ElementalSymbols, zip(range(0, MAXELEMENT), ElementalWeights)))

NewOrder = ['Be', 'C', 'H']

BlueMonday = OrderedDict((x, ElementDict[x]) for x in NewOrder)

print BlueMonday
OrderedDict([('Be', (3, 9.012182)), ('C', (5, 12.0107)), ('H', (0, 1.00794))])
print BlueMonday.items()
[('Be', (3, 9.012182)), ('C', (5, 12.0107)), ('H', (0, 1.00794))]

That's similar to what you are already doing, but maybe a little less kludgy?

Outras dicas

If you want random order, you should use the random module, specifically random.sample

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