
Estou usando um OpenCV VideoProcessor-Class personalizado em meu aplicativo QtGui.Minha MainWindow tem 2 ViewerWidgets para exibir os quadros de entrada e saída produzidos pelo objeto VideoProcessor.O VideoProcessor-Object pega ponteiros nesses ViewerWidgets para exibir os quadros processados nesses Widgets.

Quando eu inicio o aplicativo, tudo na janela da GUI responde à entrada do usuário.Mas quando eu inicio o Processing ele para de responder.Não consigo nem fechar a janela ou selecionar algo no menu do aplicativo.O processamento mostra a saída correta e continua em execução, mas a janela não responde mais.

Este é o slot da MainWindow que inicia o processamento:

void MainWindow::on_actionStart_Capture_triggered()
    // Create instance
    p = new VideoProcessor();
          // Open video file
          // Declare a window to display the video
          p->displayInput("Current Frame");
          p->displayOutput("Output Frame");
          // Play the video at the original frame rate
          // Set the frame processor callback function
          // Start the process
          p->run(cvWidgetIn, cvWidgetOut);

E este é o VideoProcessor.O arquivo é do OpenCV Cookbook e eu o alterei para levar ponteiros para meu ViewerWidgets na função run () no final do código abaixo.

#if !defined VPROCESSOR

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include "cvwidget.h"

// The frame processor interface
class FrameProcessor {

    // processing method
    virtual void process(cv:: Mat &input, cv:: Mat &output)= 0;

class VideoProcessor {


      // the OpenCV video capture object
      cv::VideoCapture capture;
      // the callback function to be called 
      // for the processing of each frame
      void (*process)(cv::Mat&, cv::Mat&);
      // the pointer to the class implementing 
      // the FrameProcessor interface
      FrameProcessor *frameProcessor;
      // a bool to determine if the 
      // process callback will be called
      bool callIt;
      // Input display window name
      std::string windowNameInput;
      // Output display window name
      std::string windowNameOutput;
      // delay between each frame processing
      int delay;
      // number of processed frames 
      long fnumber;
      // stop at this frame number
      long frameToStop;
      // to stop the processing
      bool stop;

      // vector of image filename to be used as input
      std::vector<std::string> images; 
      // image vector iterator
      std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator itImg;

      // the OpenCV video writer object
      cv::VideoWriter writer;
      // output filename
      std::string outputFile;

      // current index for output images
      int currentIndex;
      // number of digits in output image filename
      int digits;
      // extension of output images
      std::string extension;

      // to get the next frame 
      // could be: video file; camera; vector of images
      bool readNextFrame(cv::Mat& frame) {

          if (images.size()==0)
          else {

              if (itImg != images.end()) {

                  frame= cv::imread(*itImg);
                  return != 0;

      // to write the output frame 
      // could be: video file or images
      void writeNextFrame(cv::Mat& frame) {

          if (extension.length()) { // then we write images

              std::stringstream ss;
              ss << outputFile << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(digits) << currentIndex++ << extension;

          } else { // then write video file



      // Constructor setting the default values
      VideoProcessor() : callIt(false), delay(-1), 
          fnumber(0), stop(false), digits(0), frameToStop(-1), 
          process(0), frameProcessor(0) {}

      // set the name of the video file
      bool setInput(std::string filename) {

        fnumber= 0;
        // In case a resource was already 
        // associated with the VideoCapture instance

        // Open the video file

      // set the camera ID
      bool setInput(int id) {

        fnumber= 0;
        // In case a resource was already 
        // associated with the VideoCapture instance

        // Open the video file

      // set the vector of input images
      bool setInput(const std::vector<std::string>& imgs) {

        fnumber= 0;
        // In case a resource was already 
        // associated with the VideoCapture instance

        // the input will be this vector of images
        images= imgs;
        itImg= images.begin();

        return true;

      // set the output video file
      // by default the same parameters than input video will be used
      bool setOutput(const std::string &filename, int codec=0, double framerate=0.0, bool isColor=true) {

          outputFile= filename;

          if (framerate==0.0) 
              framerate= getFrameRate(); // same as input

          char c[4];
          // use same codec as input
          if (codec==0) { 
              codec= getCodec(c);

          // Open output video
          return, // filename
              codec, // codec to be used 
              framerate,      // frame rate of the video
              getFrameSize(), // frame size
              isColor);       // color video?

      // set the output as a series of image files
      // extension must be ".jpg", ".bmp" ...
      bool setOutput(const std::string &filename, // filename prefix
          const std::string &ext, // image file extension 
          int numberOfDigits=3,   // number of digits
          int startIndex=0) {     // start index

          // number of digits must be positive
          if (numberOfDigits<0)
              return false;

          // filenames and their common extension
          outputFile= filename;
          extension= ext;

          // number of digits in the file numbering scheme
          digits= numberOfDigits;
          // start numbering at this index
          currentIndex= startIndex;

          return true;

      // set the callback function that will be called for each frame
      void setFrameProcessor(void (*frameProcessingCallback)(cv::Mat&, cv::Mat&)) {

          // invalidate frame processor class instance
          frameProcessor= 0;
          // this is the frame processor function that will be called
          process= frameProcessingCallback;

      // set the instance of the class that implements the FrameProcessor interface
      void setFrameProcessor(FrameProcessor* frameProcessorPtr) {

          // invalidate callback function
          process= 0;
          // this is the frame processor instance that will be called
          frameProcessor= frameProcessorPtr;

      // stop streaming at this frame number
      void stopAtFrameNo(long frame) {

          frameToStop= frame;

      // process callback to be called
      void callProcess() {

          callIt= true;

      // do not call process callback
      void dontCallProcess() {

          callIt= false;

      // to display the processed frames
      void displayInput(std::string wn) {

          windowNameInput= wn;

      // to display the processed frames
      void displayOutput(std::string wn) {

          windowNameOutput= wn;

      // do not display the processed frames
      void dontDisplay() {


      // set a delay between each frame
      // 0 means wait at each frame
      // negative means no delay
      void setDelay(int d) {

          delay= d;

      // a count is kept of the processed frames
      long getNumberOfProcessedFrames() {

          return fnumber;

      // return the size of the video frame
      cv::Size getFrameSize() {

        if (images.size()==0) {

            // get size of from the capture device
            int w= static_cast<int>(capture.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH));
            int h= static_cast<int>(capture.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT));

            return cv::Size(w,h);

        } else { // if input is vector of images

            cv::Mat tmp= cv::imread(images[0]);
            if (! return cv::Size(0,0);
            else return tmp.size();

      // return the frame number of the next frame
      long getFrameNumber() {

        if (images.size()==0) {

            // get info of from the capture device
            long f= static_cast<long>(capture.get(CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES));
            return f; 

        } else { // if input is vector of images

            return static_cast<long>(itImg-images.begin());

      // return the position in ms
      double getPositionMS() {

          // undefined for vector of images
          if (images.size()!=0) return 0.0;

          double t= capture.get(CV_CAP_PROP_POS_MSEC);
          return t; 

      // return the frame rate
      double getFrameRate() {

          // undefined for vector of images
          if (images.size()!=0) return 0;

          double r= capture.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FPS);
          return r; 

      // return the number of frames in video
      long getTotalFrameCount() {

          // for vector of images
          if (images.size()!=0) return images.size();

          long t= capture.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT);
          return t; 

      // get the codec of input video
      int getCodec(char codec[4]) {

          // undefined for vector of images
          if (images.size()!=0) return -1;

          union {
              int value;
              char code[4]; } returned;

          returned.value= static_cast<int>(capture.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FOURCC));

          codec[0]= returned.code[0];
          codec[1]= returned.code[1];
          codec[2]= returned.code[2];
          codec[3]= returned.code[3];

          return returned.value;

      // go to this frame number
      bool setFrameNumber(long pos) {

          // for vector of images
          if (images.size()!=0) {

              // move to position in vector
              itImg= images.begin() + pos;
              // is it a valid position?
              if (pos < images.size())
                  return true;
                  return false;

          } else { // if input is a capture device

            return capture.set(CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, pos);

      // go to this position
      bool setPositionMS(double pos) {

          // not defined in vector of images
          if (images.size()!=0) 
              return false;
              return capture.set(CV_CAP_PROP_POS_MSEC, pos);

      // go to this position expressed in fraction of total film length
      bool setRelativePosition(double pos) {

          // for vector of images
          if (images.size()!=0) {

              // move to position in vector
              long posI= static_cast<long>(pos*images.size()+0.5);
              itImg= images.begin() + posI;
              // is it a valid position?
              if (posI < images.size())
                  return true;
                  return false;

          } else { // if input is a capture device

              return capture.set(CV_CAP_PROP_POS_AVI_RATIO, pos);

      // Stop the processing
      void stopIt() {

          stop= true;

      // Is the process stopped?
      bool isStopped() {

          return stop;

      // Is a capture device opened?
      bool isOpened() {

          return capture.isOpened() || !images.empty();

      // to grab (and process) the frames of the sequence
      void run(CVWidget *inputWidget, CVWidget *outputWidget) {

          // current frame
          cv::Mat frame;
          // output frame
          cv::Mat output;

          // if no capture device has been set
          if (!isOpened())

          stop= false;

          while (!isStopped()) {

              // read next frame if any
              if (!readNextFrame(frame))

              // display input frame
              if (windowNameInput.length()!=0) 
                 // cv::imshow(windowNameInput,frame);

              // calling the process function or method
              if (callIt) {

                // process the frame
                if (process)
                    process(frame, output);
                else if (frameProcessor) 
                // increment frame number

              } else {

                output= frame;

              // write output sequence
              if (outputFile.length()!=0)

              // display output frame
              if (windowNameOutput.length()!=0) 

              // introduce a delay
              if (delay>=0 && cv::waitKey(delay)>=0)

              // check if we should stop
              if (frameToStop>=0 && getFrameNumber()==frameToStop)

Foi útil?


Embora não tenha conseguido descobrir o motivo específico do meu problema, finalmente encontrei uma solução que funciona para mim:

Como você sugeriu, eu me livrei desta classe VideoProcessor-Utility e implementei o Processing-Loop para processar sequências de quadros dentro da MainWindow usando QTimer para atrasar entre cada quadro.

Em vez da classe VideoProcessor, criei "ProcessorWidget". Este widget GUI fornece todos os controles de entrada para parametrizar cada função do processador que implementei até agora.

Todo o código OpenCV está agora na classe ProcessorWidget e tem um slot público cv :: Mat processo (cv :: Mat input) que apenas pega o Input Frame e então analisa todos os User-Input-Parameters do GUI e lida com a escolha do processador e dos parâmetros corretos internamente.

A MainWindow agora constrói o ViewerWidgets e o ProcessorWidget e possui o controle e o tempo.

Processar e exibir um quadro agora é apenas:


E se eu quiser adicionar mais recursos do OpenCV, não preciso alterar minha MainWindow ou GUI. Tudo é feito na classe ProcessorWidget.

Outras dicas

A janela highgui do openCV lida com seu próprio loop de evento - você não pode (facilmente) misturá-lo com o loop de evento QMainWindows.

A maneira fácil é capturar a imagem em openCV e exibi-la em Qt usando Qimage e QPainter - o formato RGB888 de 24 bits do QImage é compatível com o CV_8UC3 de opencv

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Não afiliado a StackOverflow
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