
I am creating a script that gathers the pc specs(windows) and mails em to the tech support.

currently I am stuck on finding the RAM type.

systeminfo only shows me the ammount available.

i have been able to find a lot of info using wmic memorychip get xxxx,xx but I can't seem to find what type of RAM is being used

cpu-z shows me it is DDR3 but how did cpu-z get that information?

I am making this script in perl so perhaps perl has a module that I'm not aware of which lets me do this?

any help would be greatly appreciated.

Foi útil?


If you're packaging a perl interpreter for distribution with this script, why don't you include a cpu-z binary in the package, have your script run it with output to a file arguments set, then parse that output for the information you need? Or just email that file as an attachment on top of the other information you include?


-txt=report Launch CPU-Z in ghost mode : no interface appears, the register dump (report.txt) is automatically created.

Example: cpuz.exe -txt=c:\mydirectory\mysystem: runs CPU-Z in ghost mode. Report file mysystem.txt is automatically generated in directory c:\mydirectory.

Outras dicas

Never tested this because I dont have a windows machine, but try

use Win32::SystemInfo;
use Data::Dumper;
my %mem;
Win32::SystemInfo::MemoryStatus(%mem, 'GB');
print Dumper %mem;
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