
Is possible add existing pdf file to ActiveReports 6 report?
We have two application.
First application create report and save it as pdf in shared folder.
Second application create own report and if report from first application exists - user want that report of first application will be added to report of second application.

Applications have different database. So regenerating first report not a solution for this case.
pdf combining is one workaround - which can be used if no solutions will be found.

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Solução 2

So far answer for question is No, it is not possible.
From Internet found only that in DataDynamic(ActiveReports is/was a part of DataDynamics) reports is property

"append existing .pdf to report"

But ActiveReports is another product, which haven't this possibilities.

In my case we decide to use @Issam workaround(save .rdf file to another folder and use it later with another report).
I accepted own answer, only because the reason, question was created, was to check if this kind of possibility exists for ActiveReports

Outras dicas

You can do what you're describing with the rdf file format 'activereports' built in format. Not with pdf. However, once the second report is generated and the two documents ar combined you can export them to pdf

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