
I created an OData service using VS Lightswitch with an endpoint like this:

The service is secured with forms authentication. When I put the url into a browser I am asked for credentials.

I want to build a console app in C# to consume the service. But I can't find any examples of how to authenticate.

I've worked through this which consumes the Northwind service:

But I need help with the authentication.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

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I had the same issue in LightSwitch OData Service.

Here is the solution :

    Uri uri = new Uri("https://localhost:5487/ApplicationData.svc/");
    var container = new MyNameSpace.ApplicationData(uri);
    container.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("username", "password");

Outras dicas

It seems that your question is similar to this one: HttpClient and forms authentication in C# Please reference it.

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