
My code is leaking. I should delete somewhere the array, what I allocated in this line: T* out_array = new T[size1+size2]; But I don't know where and how. Can anyone help me please?

The code:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

template <class T>
T* merge(T arr1[], int size1, T arr2[], int size2);

template <class T>
T* merge_sort(T arr[], int n)
    if(n < 2){return arr;}
    int mid = n/2;
    T *arr1 = merge_sort<T>(arr,mid);
    T *arr2 = merge_sort<T>(arr+mid,n-mid);
    return merge(arr1, mid, arr2, n-mid);

template <class T>
T* merge(T arr1[], int size1, T arr2[], int size2)
    int i = 0,j = 0;

    T* out_array = new T[size1+size2];

    while((i < size1) && (j < size2))
        if(arr1[i] >= arr2[j])
            out_array[i+j] = arr2[j];
            out_array[i+j] = arr1[i];
    while(i < size1)
        //copy the reminder
        out_array[i+j] = arr1[i];
    while( j < size2)
        out_array[i+j] = arr2[j];

    return out_array;

int main()
    int a[] = {2, 42, 3, 7, 1};
    int *a2 = merge_sort(a,5);
    for (int i = 0; i<= 4 ; ++i) cout << a2[i] << endl;
    delete[] a2;
    return (0);
Foi útil?


I remember intervening "in urgence" on an application that was leaking badly:

  • the improvements needed to be loaded quickly
  • the application was already leaking, though less badly
  • the non-regressions were known to be incomplete
  • the application had never run under valgrind (it's not trivial to run multi-threaded code with tight timeout dependencies under valgrind...)

So, what did I do ? I used grep and removed all calls to new from the code (*).

  • in C++03: delete is an error (**) and new is a code smell
  • in C++11: both delete and new are an error (**)

And not so surprisingly, all memory leaks disappeared!

Instead of using new, you can use:

  • std::vector for a dynamically allocated array
  • std::unique_ptr for a dynamically allocated object
  • std::shared_ptr in some rare and arcane situations where the actual lifetime of an object obeys complex rules

    (*) or I could have if it had been C++11, in C++03 and in the absence of perfect-forwarding and variadic templates having a make_auto_ptr was not really possible.

    (**) in C++03 it could be argued that an expert writing boost::scoped_ptr (or equivalent) might need it; in C++11 you can build about every abstraction on top of unique_ptr because it's 0-cost.

Outras dicas

These are leaking:

T *arr1 = merge_sort<T>(arr,mid);
T *arr2 = merge_sort<T>(arr+mid,n-mid);

Fix with:

template <class T>
T* merge_sort(T arr[], int n)
    if(n < 2){return arr;}
    int mid = n/2;
    T *arr1 = merge_sort<T>(arr,mid);
    T *arr2 = merge_sort<T>(arr+mid,n-mid);
    T * res = merge(arr1, mid, arr2, n-mid);
    delete[] arr1;
    delete[] arr2;
    return res;

Before you try to solve the problem of memory leak in your implementation, consider this question: is it really necessary to allocate memory for out_array every time you call merge()?

I think the answer is no, instead, allocating memory for an auxiliary array (the same size as arr) once in merge_sort() is enough, and pass this array to merge(). This method could greatly reduce the times of memory allocation and it's easier to manage the memory allocation.

If you want to allocate memory like this, you should use std::unqiue_ptr. Change

T* out_array = new T[size1+size2];


std::unique_ptr<T[]> out_array(new T[size1 + size2]);

change the merge_sort signature to return unique_ptr<T[]>, fix arr1 and arr2 types and do not delete it manually at all. This aproach is better than using delete[], cause an exception can be generated in T's operator =. Than, delete[] operator will never be called, you will still leak memory, even if you add deletes as in Erik's answer.

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