
I have an application that uses a preference activity to set some user settings. I been trying to figure this out all day. I am trying to theme the alert dialog when an user presses an Edit Text Preference object. A dialog opens up and the user can set the shared preference. The dialog pops up:

enter image description here

I want the text green. I want the divider green. The line and cursor green.

This is what I have so far.

<style name="CustomDialogTheme" parent="@android:style/Theme.Dialog">
    <item name="android:background">@color/text_green</item>
    <item name="android:textColor">@color/text_green</item>

Can someone point me in the right direction or maybe share some code. I am at lost. I've been surfing the net to find something most of the day. Thanks in advance.

Foi útil?


If you don't want to create a custom layout or use a third party library, you can subclass EditTextPreference, then access each View you want to edit by using Resources.getIdentifier then using Window.findViewById. Here's a quick example.

public class CustomDialogPreference extends EditTextPreference {

    public CustomDialogPreference(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
        super(context, attrs, defStyle);

    public CustomDialogPreference(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        super(context, attrs);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    protected void showDialog(Bundle state) {
        final Resources res = getContext().getResources();
        final Window window = getDialog().getWindow();
        final int green = res.getColor(android.R.color.holo_green_dark);

        // Title
        final int titleId = res.getIdentifier("alertTitle", "id", "android");
        final View title = window.findViewById(titleId);
        if (title != null) {
            ((TextView) title).setTextColor(green);

        // Title divider
        final int titleDividerId = res.getIdentifier("titleDivider", "id", "android");
        final View titleDivider = window.findViewById(titleDividerId);
        if (titleDivider != null) {

        // EditText
        final View editText = window.findViewById(;
        if (editText != null) {


Replace <EditTextPreference.../> with <path_to_CustomDialogPreference.../> in your xml.


I used Android Holo Colors to create the background for the EditText.


Outras dicas

You can build your custom layout for your own dialog theme using your own customized components or you can use external libs, for example android-styled-dialogs

So in this case use can customize dialogs as you want:

<style name="DialogStyleLight.Custom">
    <!-- anything can be left out: -->
    <item name="titleTextColor">@color/dialog_title_text</item>
    <item name="titleSeparatorColor">@color/dialog_title_separator</item>
    <item name="messageTextColor">@color/dialog_message_text</item>
    <item name="buttonTextColor">@color/dialog_button_text</item>
    <item name="buttonSeparatorColor">@color/dialog_button_separator</item>
    <item name="buttonBackgroundColorNormal">@color/dialog_button_normal</item>
    <item name="buttonBackgroundColorPressed">@color/dialog_button_pressed</item>
    <item name="buttonBackgroundColorFocused">@color/dialog_button_focused</item>
    <item name="dialogBackground">@drawable/dialog_background</item>
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