
It's hard to put this into words, but I'll do my best.

High Level: I am writing a web service to add a new PrblFldr entity to the database, but I need to associate the proper PrblTmplt with it (please ignore the terrible naming scheme, I didn't do it). I am POSTing JSON, which Jersey maps to the correct POJOs. But, instead of calling the POJO's constructor for one of the fields, I want it to use the EntityManager to find the correct object based on an ID.

Low Level: Here's a sample of the JSON I am currently trying to pass to my web service:

    fldrNm: "test",
    prblTmplt: {
        tmpltSeqId: 4

Here's the code on the other side, where the web service sits:

public Response createFolder(PrblFldr folder) {
    return Response.ok(gson.toJson(folder), MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).build();

Now, here's what the PrblFldr entity looks like, with a lot of irrelevant fields omitted:

@NamedQuery(name="PrblFldr.findAll", query="SELECT p FROM PrblFldr p")
public class PrblFldr implements Serializable {

    private String fldrNm;

    //bi-directional many-to-one association to PrblTmplt
    @JoinColumn(name="FLDR_TYP_SEQ_ID", insertable=false, updatable=false)
    private PrblTmplt prblTmplt;

    // other fields...

See how that prblTmplt field is joined on FLDR_TYP_SEQ_ID? I need to get from that ID to the object. Lastly, here is what our PrblTmplt class looks like, again with only relevant information included:

@NamedQuery(name="PrblTmplt.findAll", query="SELECT p FROM PrblTmplt p")
public class PrblTmplt implements Serializable {

    private long tmpltSeqId;

    // other fields...

The ultimate goal is to prevent the need for creating some intermediate POJO that Jersey maps to, only to turn right around to fill out the relevant fields in a new PrblFldr object (and use em.find() to actually find the PrblTmplt we're using). I'm not sure if what I'm talking about is possible, but after searching for hours, I figured I would ask you guys.

EDIT: To more clearly specify my situation, the above code (when I log what the web service sends back) outputs JSON like this:

    fldrNm: "test",
    prblTmplt: {
        tmpltSeqId: 4

... which is exactly what I put in. Instead, I want that tmpltSeqId to be used as a lookup PK to fetch the object that exists with that ID in the DB, so a return might look something like this:

    fldrNm: "test",
    prblTmplt: {
        tmpltSeqId: 4,
        tmpltDesc: "sample description",
        tmpltNm: "sample template name",
        // etc...
Foi útil?


I decided against my original thought of having all this happen automatically. Instead, I created my own "intermediate entity" POJOs that I have allowed JAXB to map to. I will then perform my own JPA lookups and build my actual entity manually. Looking back, this is probably a more proper way to do this since you avoid ambiguity by performing the process by hand.

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