
I want to make a traits class apply to a type as well as its descedants. Is this possible?

template <typename E>
struct Garble {

template <typename T>
struct wooble_traits;

template <typename E>
struct wooble_traits<Garble<E>> {
  typedef E elem_type;

struct IntGarble : public Garble<int> {

typedef typename wooble_traits<IntGarble>::elem_type IGType;
//Error, wooble_traits<IntGarble> has no definition.

Is there some way to instead say (borrowing and abusing Java notation):

template <typename E>
struct wooble_traits<? extends Garble<E>> {
  typedef E elem_type

typedef typename wooble_traits<IntGarble>::elem_type IGType;
//Fine, IGType is an alias for int

Attempting to adapt Dyp's solution to my example doesn't work since Garble takes a type parameter. There doesn't seem to be anywhere to infer that parameter.

#include <boost/type_traits/is_base_of.hpp>

template <typename T, typename C = void>
struct wooble_traits;

template <typename T, typename E>
struct wooble_traits<T, typename boost::is_base_of<Garble<E>, T>::type> {
  typedef E elem_type;

in gcc-4.6 this produces:

g++ -I/usr/include/boost/utility -I/usr/include/boost/type_traits -O0 -g3 -Wall -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"main.d" -MT"main.d" -o "main.o" "../main.cpp"
../main.cpp:15:8: error: template parameters not used in partial specialization:
../main.cpp:15:8: error:         ‘E’
make: *** [main.o] Error 1

which is understandable since there's no way for GCC to know the value of E.

Foi útil?


For base classes:

#include <type_traits>

template<bool b>
using stdbool_t = std::integral_constant<bool, b>;

template<class T, class U = std::true_type>
struct trait
    : std::false_type

struct foo {};
struct bar : foo {};

template<class T>
struct trait<T, stdbool_t<std::is_base_of<foo, T>{}>>
    : std::true_type

#include <iostream>

int main()
    std::cout << std::boolalpha;

    std::cout << trait<int>::value << "\n";
    std::cout << trait<foo>::value << "\n";
    std::cout << trait<bar>::value << "\n";

For some reason, specializing on non-type template parameters isn't allowed when the expression depends on (the previous) type parameters.

g++4.8.2 fails to compile this btw (ICE), but it works fine with clang++3.5

Here's an alternative version that compiles on both compilers:

template<class T, class = void>
struct trait
    : std::false_type

struct foo {};
struct bar : foo {};

template<class T>
struct trait<T, typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<foo, T>{}>::type>
    : std::true_type

The enable_if isn't necessary, actually. A std::conditional would work as well, but the enable_if is shorter here.

If the base is a template specialization, we can use Jarod42's solution (I've modified it a bit):

template<template<class...> class T, class U>
struct is_base_template_of
    template<class... V>
    static auto test(const T<V...>&)
        -> decltype(static_cast<const T<V...>&>(std::declval<U>()),

    static std::false_type test(...);

    static constexpr bool value =

template<class T>
struct trait<T,
             typename std::enable_if<is_base_template_of<foo, T>::value>::type>
    : std::true_type

Note: this only works for public inheritance (and I think it has some further restrictions: virtual and some cases of multiple inheritance shouldn't work either).

Here's a version of the same type trait in "C++03 + boost" style:

template<template<class> class T, class U>
struct is_base_template_of
    typedef char false_type;
    typedef char(& true_type)[2];

    template<class V>
    static true_type test(const T<V>*);
    static false_type test(...);

    static const bool value =
       (   sizeof(test(std::declval<typename std::remove_reference<U>::type*>()))
        == sizeof(true_type));
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