
Reading this today, and probably embarking on a Xamarin solution very soon (the other possibility is "going native" with just Android, using Android Studio), I got to wondering:

Can ELMAH be used in Xamarin solutions?

And, in fact, if the road less taken (Android Studio) is chosen, what tool is there for Android/Java projects that that most closely resembles ELMAH's advantages?

Foi útil?

Solução 2

No. ELMAH is very specifically targeted for ASP.NET.

Error/crash logging solutions for Xamarin include Raygun, Crashlytics, and TestFlight.

Outras dicas

It does:

  1. Although the Elmah.IO NuGet's latest release doesn't support Xamarin.Forms cross-platform logging, I have used it in my Android/iOS/UWP projects' exception handling separately by following instructions here.

  2. Here you can find out descriptions about the pre-release for Xamarin and Xamarin.Forms.

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