
First I created

from flask import Flask

app = Flask(__name__)

Then in a separate file, in the same directory,

from app import app
    debug = True

When I try to run, I get the error

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in <module>
    from app import app 
ImportError: No module named app
Foi útil?

Solução is imported using a directory. if you want to import it as app you should put file in directory named app

a better option is just to rename to

Outras dicas

in case you're still stuck..

I get the No module named app error only during Debugging, not Running, in my IDE (VSCode)

That's because I had set debug=True (which auto-reloads flask after code changes) in's __main__ :

To fix the error, just set it to False :

This is probably an error in flask application's folder structure.
Anyone looking for a simple beginner-friendly structure for the flask project may find this helpful:

        ├── templates
        │   └── index.html
        │   └── signup.html

Here 'movies' is the name given for the main application. It contains '' and a folder called 'app'. 'app' folder contains all necessary flask files such as 'templates' folder, '__init', and ''.

Contents of:

from app import app

from flask import Flask

app = Flask(__name__)

from app import routes

from app import app

def index():
    return "Hello, World!"

Ensure to set your PYTHONPATH to the src/ directory as well. Example export PYTHONPATH="$PYTHONPATH:/path/to/your/src"

Your file needs to go in the folder named app, not the same directory as the file.

from app import app is looking in the app folder, so the file needs to sit in there.

Just rename your file to and it will works.

For me, export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/your/src && python app/ works

This may be an isolated case, but for me this was a VS Code issue. The "no module found" error would only happen when debug=True.

In VS Code, you can "Run Python File" or "Debug Python File". I was using debug in VS Code AND I had Once I just ran the file normally in VS Code, the problem went away and Flask debugger is working as expected.

I guess it doesn't like 2 layers of Inception!

you are probably running from inside your app folder. Move out to the previous directory and run the command again.

I solved this as follows -

$export FLASK_APP=run

$flask run

After executing this command. I don't get any error, my app running smoothly.

I just want to leave this solution for whom other solutions aren't working.

Assuming here the module "app" is actually referring to your "" source file, in the ensure to set debug to FALSE i.e. Otherwise cd to the folder in which your file is and then run python

These are workarounds, but it seems there is a bug in the debug=True flow as old as 2016-17, perhaps it hasn't been fixed yet

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