
Wondering if there is an easy way to remove a rectangular slice across the entire width of an image using Gimp, and have the resulting hole closed up automatically. I hope that makes sense. If I select a slice across an image and do "cut", it leaves a blank "hole" there. I want the new top and bottom of the image to join and fill that hole, reducing the image height by the amount sliced out.

Any easy way to do this?

Foi útil?


I believe you're asking to do something like cut out the middle of a page, leaving the header and footer and have the blank space removed with the cut action, effectively joining the header and footer together.

To my knowledge, I don't believe so. Even if you cut, or delete, that space is still part of the image even without content.

But, you would be able to highlight the top or bottom (or left or right) of the remaining space and drag it to align with the other side. It's not ideal for repetitive tasks, but should get you through if you only have to do it a few times.

Outras dicas

In gimp 2.8.1 you can easily create a new image from a selection. So if you select a rectangular than do a copy (Ctrl-C) and a past in a new image Edit -> Paste as -> new image (or Ctrl-Shift-V).

Install Python and the Python Imaging Library. Back in GIMP, select and cut the full-width areas you don't want to transparent, and export the image to test.png. Then use this Python code (works only if complete lines are transparent; will not work properly if there are 100%-transparent pixels anywhere other than on a full-width row)—

from PIL import Image
i ="test.png")
b = i.tobytes()
b2 = ''.join(b[n:n+4] for n in xrange(0,len(b),4) if ord(b[n+3]))
newHeight = len(b2)/i.width/4
i2 = Image.frombytes('RGBA',(i.width,newHeight),b2)"test.png")

Then re-load test.png and verify that the areas you cut have gone.

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